I feel like this plot could go somewhat slow or very fast - it is somewhat of a textbook plot (in my opinion). I'm already thinking of future plots and I have a few different ones I would like to share (we can vote on them or randomly roll a die/get one out of this list). 1. Kidnapping foundation plot - This will take place somewhere in one of the U.S.A.'s many state parks (maybe one with a large amount of untraveled land and campsites). Within one night, multiple families reported to the police kids between the ages of 10-13 go missing. This happens all the same night between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. State park attendees/rangers call the team in to investigate. The missing get called in and happen Friday night to Saturday morning. Statistically, this means the team has lost the upper hand in finding them all alive since the first couple of hours is most critical in kidnapping cases. On another statistical note, it means they have till the afternoon to find at least one or all alive. A year before, 2 kids around the same age went missing, and 3 years prior to that it happened. Custody disputes are out of the question since all three families have no ties except maybe local schools together. 2. College campus goes wrong - After all students living in the frat-house nicknamed "The Vikings" didn't turn up for classes or sports. A college football coach decides to go check on them, all 7 male students are found dead in multiple different ways. Strangulation, poison, stab wounds, and more. All seven students do not have any criminal records, have B grades or higher, and seem to be the regular party house kids. Though it doesn't seem like one individual came in and killed all seven football players - how could one person do this? 3. Suicide or murder? 2 men between the ages of 45-55 are found hanging in their homes. Neither had records of mental disabilities/disorders and were the type of men to always show up to work and support their families. Neither of the men seems to be alpha men and are completely dismissive of their alpha-Esque wives who control the household. Special Plot suggestion: 4. This case will purposefully be longer than most (on average), it will be dealing with the kidnappings and disappearances of multiple girls ranging from 19-25. This will take place in a high-traffic city and a group has to be kidnapping the girls. None of them have come up dead except a girl named Stacy Ricks. Stacy Ricks was last reported leaving work at 9 p.m. on a Sunday. She was found three weeks later dead by the local railroad tracks. The examiner stated she died from the lack of oxygen, she was found to be 100 lbs. Her family says that before Stacy's disappearance she was complaining about a dark-colored van always being outside of her work, there were two guys - they could cat call her, and she would just go to her car and leave. Her mother wanted to emphasize that Stacy was 5'5 and 135 lbs before her disapperance. This case will end up having two (randomly generated) agents captured because of a bad choice. The rest of the team will have to work on finding them before the clock runs out. This plot could possibly lead to information that most would not want to know about their Chief/leader. I'll add more if needed but those are my current ideas. I will not always have special plot suggestions either. [@Artemis Arts][@Lord Wraith][@evierose]