[@Kiragan_Natsuki] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Magdalene “Maggie” Harwood[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://artignition.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Livia-Prima-Cyberpunk-Girl-Drawing.jpg[/img] Maggie had her meeting with the other hacker, they had come up with a plan on how they would be able to get into the lab and passed all that security. Their part of the plan was then explained to the others, everyone seemed to be in agreement about what was going to happen. The crew arrived in front of the lab a few hours later, driving a few feet away from the loading docks of the lab. “So are you sure this is gonna work? I don’t wanna get fried because you two can’t hack through their security?” The other merc spoke up after a few moments of dead silence. This merc was dressed in a black trenchcoat, matching black pants and boots. Sporting a blonde military-style haircut, and armed with a large assault rifle. “[color=f26522]We can break it, it’s gonna be child’s play.[/color]” Maggie said rolling her eyes at his comment. “Let’s stop arguing and get the job done.” The driver merc spoke up with a foul look on his face. The group got out of the van, heading towards large metal doors. Maggie pulled out her cyberdeck, disabling the cameras. Lilith the other hacker was opening the docking area doors for the group to enter. The gang moved from inside the docking bay to further inside the facility. The group moved slowly between rooms, Maggie and Lilith hacking the turrets and cameras inside, while the mercs silently any roaming night guards. “This should be the server room.” The level-headed merc scanned the area before the door, using his enhanced hearing to check if anyone was approaching. “Open that door, and when you two are in there make sure to get as much info as possible. As soon as the door opened, the two hackers made their way inside. Maggie started hacking into a server, while Lilith was hacking another server in the corner of the room. Maggie was surprised by what information she was getting. Something called E13, she didn’t know what this was. But knew it didn’t sound good. It sounded quite ominous, but the information about this project would give her a lot of eurodollars. So she didn’t care how it would affect other people. The money was her main focus for completing this job. The mercs were occasionally peeking out of the server room, checking for any incoming guards. Maggie could see there was a more secure lock on further files on E13. “[color=f26522]Lilith, I’m gonna need your help with getting through this wall.[/color]” Lilith came over towards Maggie, connecting her cyberdeck to the sever. The two work together to fight the security trying to stop them.