[center][sup][color=#6ecff6][b]__________________________________________________________________________________________[/b][/color][/sup][/center] [CENTER][h2] [color=6ecff6]Kurosagi Base of Operations[/color] [/h2] [img]https://cdn1.epicgames.com/ue/product/Featured/ControlRoom_featured-894x488-4dc1f98c2989c2db2b9bee1184b2bc84.png[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][h2] Tsukiyama Fujino & [color=a187be]Yashida Orinatsu[/color] [/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1g81X5n.jpeg[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/V9wKMu9.png[/img][/CENTER] With the clock hitting 10:30, Tsuki stood in front of her gang grinning like an idiot almost. She could hardly contain her pride for the group she had brought together. In a metaphorical sense, this gang was her baby, and she had spent many years planning it out. However, she ended up with something even better then the original plan and a few more members then she had intended. Tsukiyama was confident in her gang, they proved that it was time to move to a bigger movement then just growing the Anzen Chitai they inhabited. She felt she could trust them all to do what was right and to protect each other...well for the most part. She did have an idea of who maybe not to par up for the time being just to make sure no accident's or distractions were to happen. All in all, these were her most trusted friends, allies and companions in Neo-Tokyo. She sat on a table in front of a huge wall of screens, smoking another joint [b]"Thanks for making it on time tonight guys, I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well...or well enough"[/b] her gaze landed on Gab, winking at the man jokingly [b]"I'm going to keep it short before getting to the meat and bones of the meeting, but I've decided its time to make some moves and be proactive with a wound that's been festering and finally starting to pose a serious threat to our zone"[/b] she took a drag of her joint and motioned for Yashida to start the mission debriefing. Pictures of the four bosses of the Forgotten came onto the screen [b]"As you know, the Forgotten have started to get a little brazen with their actions now that people are starting to talk about our group of merry band of "outlaws" and this Anzen Chitai. Im sure Gabriel's sent you what happened early tonight, and if my intui-"[/b] Yashida cleared her throat, making Tsuki chuckle. [b]"Sorry, if Yashi's intuition is correct, this is only going to trigger an even bigger response by the "big guy". So our brilliant lieutenant here came up with an idea, and we placed a couple of bugs on the dumbasses that strolled into the club. These little guys have given us some very important information"[/b] she pulled a couple of tiny circle disk maybe the size of a button from her kimono sleeve and tossed them on the table for those that wanted to take a look at the gadgets themselves. [center][url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/b4120c49-2497-455a-8a4a-1fa2c47c1756/d86hcdn-81b7934e-a136-49d8-9933-20739cb75d07.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_900,q_75,strp/hideout_by_vablo_d86hcdn-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYjQxMjBjNDktMjQ5Ny00NTVhLThhNGEtMWZhMmM0N2MxNzU2XC9kODZoY2RuLTgxYjc5MzRlLWExMzYtNDlkOC05OTMzLTIwNzM5Y2I3NWQwNy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.o8eW6NqhwW0O8pPQurBvNAyHr_mAdNtZr_CIhTJorCA]1[/url] | [url=https://www.this-is-cool.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/michal-kus/the-digital-art-of-michal-kus-9.jpeg]2[/url] | [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d8/99/a6/d899a6aef8a377769e84b2fed7f16871.jpg]3[/url][/center] The screens behind Tsuki then changed to pictures of three different locations appeared on the screen. [b]"What you see in front of you are three places we found our tracked muscle heads split off and went too. With the help of some friends of mine, I was able to get pictures and a rough layout of each place, as well as what these places are for the Forgotten."[/b] [@vietmyke][@RedDusk][@Spin The Wheel] Yashida stood up, while Tsukiyama took a seat behind the group, crossing her arms and watching [b][color=a187be]"The First place is known as the Tower, a 50 Floor skyscrapper, and happens to be where the bulk of The Forgotten's Private Network and district wide communications/surveillance servers are located. The Tower is surrounded by a compound consisting of somewhere between 200-300 Forgotten underlings guard and keep watch. Me, Gab, Alek and Joseph will be tasked with infiltrating the compound quietly to sabotage their servers on the top floor, or worst case scenario, level the Tower and get out of there together preferably."[/color][/b] Yashida was confident this would be the right group to get in quiet and fast, Joseph excluded and would run Overwatch to help with their infiltration and exfiltration. [@Fading Memory][@Salsa Verde][@King Cosmos][@Meleck] [b][color=a187be]"The second place pictured here, is known as The Kakusareta hōseki, the Forgotten's production warehouse for multiple businesses. The main products being drugs and Illegal Y.G Altered weapons, the factory is one of the main producers for the drugs and illegal weapons coursing through Neo-Tokyo's veins. The factory is guarded by 100 Y.S.G gang members and a nearly endless supply of Y.G enforcements. Based on previous attempts by other ill-prepared gangs attempts, this mission has a high chance of going loud so prepare for an intense exfil. Butterfly, Kiyo, Hiroto and Tao, you all will be tasked with getting in and planting explosives to level of the place or any other way to permanently stop production, its up to you guys. Either way, please keep in the forefront of your mind, if you set off the alarms, you have exactly 10 minutes before you'll be fighting an army, so make sure you guys plan well."[/color][/b] She personally wanted to go on this mission but Tsukiyama veto'd it. Tsuki felt that the four would make a team capable of dealing with going loud if possible and would require a certain level of combat power to be able to make it out if it went bad. [@dioscuri][@OwO][@VeyrinDay] [b][color=a187be]"The last place will be the most intense and most important of the three missions taking place at the same time. Is the Forgotten's bar known as "Death's Glass", it functions as the Forgotten's base of operations and main housing for their top earning Women. MeiLan, Brize and Hikari, you three will be with the Old Woman, and will be serving two purposes. Tsukiyama will be drawing the three bosses and the bulk of their enforcers by calling a meeting, that should draw the bosses from their post at each respective place we're going to be attacking. The idea is that it should leave a small window to get in and out without as many Forgotten being around because of the lack of bosses to protect. At the same time as Tsuki's meeting, you three will be infiltrating their base of operations and extracting information in the Boss Korobei's office. He apparently keeps paper files because he's paranoid about using Akuma Stream. You should specifically be looking for anything that can give us insight on Big Boss Chonaka's compound. After doing so, find and evacuate girls being kept prisoner there and finally plant timed explosives. Once all thats done, meet with Tsukiyama and you guys will exfil together."[/color][/b] Yashida sighed mentally, she personally veto'd this idea with Tsukiyama, but the woman convinced her that it was the best way to get any information on Chonaka's compound. At least if Tsukiyama's information was correct, which Yashida was not necessarily confident but ultimately unable to disagree with. With Yashida done, the screen's turned off and the lights turned back on, Tsukiyama spoke up again [b]"Our plan is do start my groups mission first, and then notify you all when to start with your missions. We plan on executing the plan in two days. Do you guys have any concerns or questions? Now is the time to air out any grievances"[/b] Tsuki sat back, giving the floor to anyone who wanted it.