Ella got her pokemon ready, they relied on her a bit but most of the time she let them do what they wanted in cases like this. "Charmander, Pikachu!" They popped out of her pokeballs as she bent down to them telling them their places. She usually sent her pokemon in waves, strongest to weakest. Most of the time it worked. She then called out, "Gangar! Growlite!" They appeared and took their places, however, she had 2 pokemon she hadn't called out. She was working on them trusting her and they were her strongest, she had got them from her now-dead parents, they had been with her since childhood and they were maxed level. One was a Zapatos, but that one never did what she asked, and the other she didn't even know. She had no clue how to say the name or what it was so she changed its name to Eli just to make it easier. Eli kinda followed what she said but not enough to do anything. She looked around as her defense was ready to go. Should it be needed.