[@samreaper] Much to Tristan's surprise, she laughed and gave him such a hard pat on the back that he would have felt the air forced out of his lungs. [color=82ca9d]"Weel aren't ye a bawherr o' an ass kisser! Tis braw laddie. Ah know mah accent is thick."[/color] He wasn't exactly discreet with how confused he was when he heard her speak. In fact, she seemed quite used to it though it seemed like it didn't save him from that back pat that forced his soul out of his flesh. To be frank, it would have been an impressive feat for him to not be literally smacked onto the floor though if that did happen, Neil would've just grabbed him before that would happen. Speaking of Neil, he had raised his brow when Tristan made dinner part of the deal for the job. He waved his hand dismissively at the very notion of adding it into the deal. [b]"No, no that's okay. We'd offer you dinner anyway for doing this. It's the decent thing to do.[/b] [color=82ca9d]"Aye, we aren't monsters you know. Ah will be sure tae cook up a hearty meal."[/color] Frida said with a confident grin. [b]"Well, I should probably show you around the farm. You can't really investigate from inside a kitchen. Follow me, if you please."[/b] asked Neil, motioning Tristan to finish his drink and follow him. Well, it looked like it was time to get back to work. [color=82ca9d]"Alricht, see ye later love."[/color] With that, Tristan was being led back outside. [hr] [@CitrusArms] Well, it was an interesting idea. Let's see how it plays out! The issue is that even Ocul, even with its big glasses like eyes, would have trouble trying to spot a Joltik because those things were bloody well small. They're 4 inches or for the metrically inclined, 0.1 meter so trying to spot then in the tall grass would be just about impossible, if they were even in this area to begin with. This would go on for quite a bit of time and perhaps Stella was beginning to feel a bit discouraged. Maybe she was ready to give up, until something very interesting happened. Something [i]bit[/i] the tip of Kaebe's tail and was completely latched on. No matter how hard the Tyrunt tried to shake it off, this thing was fiercely clinging onto the dinosaur. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vk9nsLs.png?1[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6][i][center]Pokédex Entry #595 – Joltik, the Attaching Pokemon. Joltik can be found clinging to other Pokémon. It's soaking up static electricity because it can't produce a charge on its own. They're often found sticking to Yamper's hindquarters. [/center][/i][/color] What does Stella do? [hr] [@Zarkun] Connor wasn't exactly pleased with this situation. Despite how friendly of a face, he put on, one could see the right corner of his mouth twitch and how clenched his jaw was. Judging by the fact that there was a thick piece of rope poking out of his bag, there was no doubt that this man would've loved to hogtie them and hanging them on one of those massive tree roots that were arcing above them. Even more to his annoyance, he didn't know how to bargain with these bug obsessed nerds and apparently, neither did Jason. The cowboy leaned in and whispered back, [color=f7941d]"Yeah, I don't have much to offer myself. This is proving to be much more difficult than I thought."[/color] Despite their whispering, the bug maniac was quite sharp and was able to pick up on the situation quite quickly. He furrowed his brow and sighed, shaking his head. [b]"God above, we don't want your money. Do you two have any info or skills to offer? You are trainers, right?"[/b] At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't provide anything either. "Come on, aren't you being a little too hard on them?", said someone else from the group, who then received a burning glare from behind the very thick lenses of the man's glasses. [b]"Are you kidding me? We've been painstakingly researching this for so long with little sleep and you'd just give it away to anyone that walks and asks you? Would you give your thesis away if someone asked? Know the value of your work dammit!"[/b] Meanwhile Connor turned to Jason while this Bug Maniac was going off on this one person. [color=f7941d]"I've don't have much on the info department."[/color] [hr] [@Lunarlord34] We will assume that Dusk used an Ember to intercept the Ice Shard. The attacks did collide and thankfully, due to Ember having a type-advantage over Ice Shard, the opposing Pokemon's attack was destroyed with very little resistance. Bits of ice and ember fell to the ground, none of it harmful as they were more like specks. Okay so, uh, Litwick is not exactly what some would call a fast Pokemon. In fact, even at its fastest speed it had no chance in hell to match the most casual saunter of a Sneasel. Even under the cover of the small explosion of ice and fire, jumping or floating with all its might, Dusk did not have a chance to intercept the opposing Pokemon though it was still within range for the Litwick's next attack. Dusk breathed out a dark gray cloud of exhaust gas at the Sneasel and due to its wide range, it still caught the Sneasel. Rather than doing external damage, Smog hurts by those who breathe the toxic gasses in. Actually, Steph and the lowlife would have noticed that the Smog was actually not dispersing but lingering above. [b]"Get out of there!"[/b] The thug ordered and the Sneasel found its way back to the ground. The thing's breathing was haggard, presumably from breathing in the gas though it seemed to not just take damage from the attack. It was poisoned. [b]"Ice Shard! Don't let up!"[/b] Even in this pained state, it still followed through and kept blasting icicles at Dusk nonstop. What does Steph do?