[hider=Lady Charlotte Vikena] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ioEV1sJ.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/a9x0lJc.png[/img][/center] [b]Height:[/b] [color=8893AF]5'8"[/color] [b]Weight:[/b] [color=8893AF]125[/color] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [color=8893AF]Blue[/color] [b]Hair Length/Texture:[/b] [color=8893AF]Mid-back and straight[/color] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [color=8893AF]Black[/color] [b]Skin Color:[/b] [color=8893AF]Pale[/color] [b]Facial details(freckles, moles, etc):[/b] [color=8893AF]None[/color] [b]Distinguishing features:[/b] [color=8893AF]She has vibrant blue eyes, and a natural blush to her skin. [/color] [b]Clothing Preferences:[/b] [color=8893AF]She wears plainer dresses and skirts more often than not. She does seem to have an affinity for lace. Charlotte can be seen often tying her hair in a ribbon. When going to court events and balls, she puts effort into wearing extravagant dresses and jewelry as it was taught to be proper to do so.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z0cM6ia.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JwmscHa.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/uWonABn.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tPCPRjh.png[/img][/center] [b]Likes:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Singing[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Exploration[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Novels of all genres, especially mystery[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Writing music[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Bread fresh out of the oven[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Instruments[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Astronomy[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Cards[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Tea[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Animals[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Chess[/color] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Hanging out in large groups for too long[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]When people have the wrong priorities aka arrogant assholes[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Confined spaces[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Visting hospitals or doctors[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Immature arguments[/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Straight[/color] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Writing[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Binge reading[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Singing [/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Playing the piano[/color] [b]Life Goals/Dreams:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]To explore the world[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Find out the truth regarding her mother's death[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]To not feel so alone all the time[/color] [hr] [color=8893AF][b]Personality Summary:[/b][/color] [color=lightgray]Charlotte, though once a friendly child, slowly went back into her shell as her life progressed. Seeing the mistreatment of her Lorenzo was like waking up from a dream and realizing what was really around her. She was very selective with those she kept around her and trusted from then on, often indignant and opinionated towards those she did not associate with. She hates seeing anyone looked down upon or mistreated. To those Charlotte knows and sees fondly of, she is kind and protective towards. Having to see a range of emotional situations in her life has led her to be quite empathetic and compassionate. Since the death of her dear mother, she struggles with loneliness, fear, and sadness. She is uncomfortable showing this vulnerability and often masks it with sarcasm. At times she can be awkward and anxious until someone makes her eyes light up by mentioning her favorite topic. On the more positive side, many of those she interacts with find her to be quite humorous. often joking to cope or out of nervousness. Charlotte struggles to find her voice again and finds herself looming in the background until a situation is serious enough to ignite something within. Sometimes naive from her seclusion, she has some catching up to do in the social department, despite being clever in other departments. However, she benefited from the seclusion in some ways as she's been able to form her own unique manner of personality that isn't as posh or lady-like at times in the manner of the honesty of her feelings. When it comes to speech, she is eloquent and well-read. She is an intelligent young lady who loves knowledge and dreaming of the worlds of her books.[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HaapOU0.png[/img][/center] [b]Current occupation:[/b] [color=8893AF]Duke's Daughter, meaning she is expected to be present in the King's court[/color] [b]Any past occupations?:[/b] [color=8893AF]No[/color] [b]Relatives:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color][color=8893AF] Lorenzo Vikena, Step-Father[/color] [b]Skills:[/b] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Writing music and stories[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Singing[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Mandolin[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Piano[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Climbing trees[/color] [color=lightgray]★[/color] [color=8893AF]Horseback riding[/color] [hr] [color=8893AF][b]History Summary:[/b][/color] [color=lightgray]The friendly and inquisitive daughter of Duchess Emina, and Duke Walter was a popular child in her youth. Well-mannered, polite, and with a pretty face to boot, she easily charmed those around her. Charlotte befriended other noble children and engaged in many hobbies under the pressure of her mother such as singing and playing the piano. Affectionately referred to as "Lottie" by others, she was beloved by many. She loved her lifestyle and was never caught without a smile, unlike her parents. For a time, her parents doted on her and gave her immense amounts of affection, but that changed from early on. Her parents' smiles faded one day, or perhaps they had never been there and Charlotte had been too young and blind to see that. The quarrels progressed from weekly to daily gradually over time while the time she was able to spend with them dwindled at the same rate. Sometimes it was over silly things, such as Emina not being dressed nicely enough or it was because Walter drank too much. Then it would become over matters Charlotte was too young to understand that were serious enough to warrant throwing objects and screaming, despite the young girl reaching for them desperate for their attention. Then one day Duke Walter became too far for Charlotte to ever reach again. Some speculated he had been poisoned while others said the stress of working under King Edin was too much for him, as it was for most nobles. Emina was quick to marry again to move from her widowed status when she met Lorenzo Vikena. Their relationship had moved rapidly after the two had met. Lorenzo was the polar opposite of Walter. He said all the wrong things at the wrong times and could not seem to fit in no matter how he tried. Her mother despised this side of him while Charlotte did not mind as much. Charlotte appreciated Lorenzo's more down-to-earth personality. However, the family reputation, which was already teetering, plummeted. Lorenzo was constantly ridiculed and Emina even got a share of it, for picking such an awful husband. People wanted Walter back, who had been hard-working and immensely intelligent. Charlotte no longer had an abundance of friends and was outcasted. It was around this time she began to take on the thought process that perhaps this lifestyle was just doomed to create monsters. All the jewels in the world could not hide the horrendous personalities of those around her. Charlotte felt lost and secluded for much of her teenage years, taking comfort in only the time spent with her family and in hiding her face in a book. Was this the future set in stone for her? She wondered if she could somehow change things for the better. Matters worsened when she was told her mother suddenly committed suicide. She knew in her heart something had happened to her mother. She felt hopeless and distraught for a long time after Emina's death. Lorenzo was caught up in his own grief, but she did try to be there for him the best she could. He was all she had left. [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5MUMO2H.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YsxaUA7.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=8893AF][b]Romance[/b][/color][/h3] [b]Have you ever been in love?[/b] [color=8893AF]No, I have not been in love. I am not certain if love is even real. Oh the woes of yearning for something you do not believe to even exist.[/color] [b]What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.[/b] [color=8893AF]It would be most important that he is kind and does not prioritize what others think of him over the kind of person he wants to be. I always wished I could just be enough for others to ignore the jeers of a bickering crowd.[/color] [b]How do you display affection? What is your love language?[/b] [color=8893AF]I adore a hug and the feeling of someone close to me. It reminds me that they're still here with me.[/color] [b]Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?[/b] [color=8893AF]When I was a little girl, a boy kissed me in the garden when we were playing. Strangely enough, I ran away on impulse in reaction, despite my crush on him. I am sure he got the idea I wasn't interested sadly. [/color] [b]Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?[/b] [color=8893AF]No. One must know the contents of one's heart to truly admire a person.[/color] [b]What does marriage mean to you?[/b] [color=8893AF]I... I don't know. Well, I've never seen it mean much to anyone around me. A label we can jump in and out. Does it really have any binding promise or value if so many divorce? But I know you are asking what it means to me, not to them. In truth, the idea of loving someone enough to commit a lifetime to them sounds like a beautiful dream.[/color] [b]Are you currently crushing on anyone?[/b] [color=8893AF]I had a crush on Leo Smithwood as a child, but...[/color] [b]Do you ever consider having children in the future?[/b] [color=8893AF]Maybe with the right person.[/color] [h3][color=8893AF][b]History[/b][/color][/h3] [b]Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I received a mix of both sides of the fence. Lucky me, right? My parents were there for me early in my life but for other parts of it, they were too busy trying to sort out their own messes to pay me any attention and now they're [i]dead[/i]... And everyone wonders why I don't talk much at gatherings anymore. [/color] [b]When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I like to climb up a tree and hide. Sometimes I hear funny things while I'm hiding up there like a monkey and it gives me a good giggle.[/color] [b]What were you like in your teenage years?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I was still a little secluded but not to the level I am now. Before my mother died, I still kept contact with my loyal friends who stuck by my side despite our family's reputation. I smiled more and spoke more. It was almost if part of me died with her.[/color] [b]How close are you to your parents?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I was super close with both my birth parents. My mother was my best friend. Nowadays, I'd like to think Lorenzo and I are close too and maybe he'll cheer up if I can get him to let go of kissing up to assholes like King Edin and Count Calbert. [/color] [b]Do you have any trauma that haunts you?:[/b] [color=8893AF]...Just the sudden death of my parents.[/color] [b]What advice would you give your younger self?:[/b] [color=8893AF]Hey Little Lottie, maybe you should just run away before everything blows up in your face.[/color] [b]Were you an obedient child or defiant?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I was obedient. If I so even had a tone in my voice, I'd get locked in the closet for an hour straight. Lorenzo is not the sternest man, mind you. Maybe it's time for a late rebellious phase.[/color] [b]What is your biggest regret?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I wish I hadn't locked myself away from my friends after my mother died. We've grown apart and I fear I'll have no one.[/color] [h3][color=8893AF][b]Personality[/b][/color][/h3] [b]Describe your ideal Sunday morning:[/b] [color=8893AF]I love to sit out in the den with some tea, a hot breakfast, and a good book on a rainy Sunday morning. [/color] [b]What kind of person do you aspire to be?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I want to be someone who does not mind the chitter-chatter of the crowd and does what her heart tells her to. Someone that can change the awful way things go around here in Caesonia Kingdom.[/color] [b]What bad habits do you have?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I sleep in too much and eat more than I should. I also cannot lie for the life of me.[/color] [b]If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I wish I could go back and speak to my mother before she married Lorenzo. Lorenzo is a dear and all, but I wish I could have convinced her to run far away from the kingdom and travel the world with me.[/color] [b]What is your greatest fear?:[/b] [color=8893AF]Always being alone[/color] [b]What are your pet peeves?:[/b] [color=8893AF]I HATE when people double-dip. I only come to these stupid events for the food at this point. I also do not like when people are passive-aggressive. Can't you just be direct? [/color] [b]When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?:[/b] [color=8893AF]Alone. I feel awkward when people try to comfort me since I'm not used to it. Not to mention I make it worse by tying my mouth close like it's a corset.[/color] [b]Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?:[/b] [color=8893AF]Tongue, duh. Look at me. [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tSQk0w0.png[/img][/center] [/hider]