[hider=Heir of Stravy] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjI0MC4xMGE3MDcuVEdWdklGTnRhWFJvZDI5dlpBLjA/billy-argel-font.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vHTQpN6.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kytV8IZmAVA]Try-Eddie Vedder[/url] [color=01A721][h3]Leo Feralt Smithwood | 23 | Male[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [center][color=01A721][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color][/center] [color=01A721]Height:[/color] [color=9AF781]6’[/color] [color=01A721]Weight:[/color] [color=9AF781]190 lbs[/color] [color=01A721]Eye Color:[/color] [color=9AF781]Muted green[/color] [color=01A721]Hair Length/Texture:[/color] [color=9AF781]Short/curly[/color] [color=01A721]Hair Color:[/color] [color=9AF781]Red[/color] [color=01A721]Skin Color:[/color] [color=9AF781]Fair complexion with a light tan[/color] [color=01A721]Facial details:[/color] [color=9AF781]Faint freckles around his nose and cheeks.[/color] [color=01A721]Distinguishing features:[/color] [color=9AF781]Many are quick to note how similar he looks to his father, a fact that Leo takes pride in.[/color] [color=01A721]Clothing Preferences:[/color] [color=9AF781]Leo follows the trends of fashion, appearances matter greatly in noble court, and when dressed up he likes to ensure pops of some bright colors to ensure he noticed. He has a fine pocketwatch that had once been his fathers that he often carries with him as well.[/color] [hr] [center][color=01A721][h3]Psychology[/h3][/color][/center] [color=01A721]Likes[/color] [indent][color=9AF781]-Nature - Competition - Thrill Seeking - Games of chance and skill - New experiance[/color][/indent] [color=01A721]Dislikes[/color] [indent][color=9AF781]- Boredom - Losing - Poor table manners - Poor conversation - The poor[/color][/indent] [color=01A721]Sexuality:[/color] [color=9AF781]Bisexual[/color] [color=01A721]Hobbies:[/color] [indent][color=9AF781]-Hunting -Socializing -Travel -Games of Chance and Skill -Mountaineering [/color][/indent] [color=01A721]Life Goals/Dreams:[/color] [color=9AF781]Leo would like to see as much of Eromora as possible, especially the exotic kingdom of Alidasht, a land he’s yet to set foot in. He’d also like to leave his mark on history, lead a remarkable life and a lasting legacy. Right now though, he dreams of finding out what happened to his father.[/color] [color=01A721]Fears:[/color] [color=9AF781]Ending up in a marriage similar to his parents, one of constant contention and misery. That responsibility will one day hold him back from enjoying life and lead him into a life of stagnation and monotony.[/color] [color=01A721][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [color=9AF781]On the surface Leo appears fairly shallow, he places a great deal of emphasis on wealth, status, and appearances. How others perceive not only him, but his family, matters greatly. He plays his cards close to the chest, likes collecting secrets and revealing those secrets in a strategic manner to make his time in court a bit more interesting. He likes to stir up trouble, likes for life to be entertaining, and absolutely loathes boredom. He is mindful of what he says around those higher up than he, knowing the importance of having powerful allies. Around others, he is very much extroverted, while also appreciating time alone to recharge. When it comes to commoners, servants, and those he views as beneath him, Leo is generally not one to give them the time of day. Beneath the surface, Leo cares deeply for those close to him. Though his temper is generally mild, hearing a bad word spoken about his family or a close friend is a sure way to set him off. He lacks patience, tends to be impulsive, and has an adventurous spirit. Leo holds himself with confidence, many would also say arrogance, and he rarely lets fear or nerves hold him back from anything he wants. Ambition drives him, he strives to prove his worth, seeking out friendships, and one day even a marriage, which will better his house and social standing. He is competitive, just as headstrong as his own parents, and highly opinionated. A thrill-seeker with a neverending thirst for new experience and adventure.[/color] [center][color=01A721][h3]Background[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [color=01A721]Current occupation:[/color] [color=9AF781]Heir of Stravy[/color] [color=01A721]Any past occupations?:[/color] [color=9AF781]None[/color] [color=01A721]Relatives:[/color] [color=9AF781]Father-Duke Feralt Smithwood Mother-Dutchess Alice Smithwood[/color] [color=01A721]Skills:[/color] [color=9AF781]Hunting, tracking, good with animals, endurance, charisma[/color] [color=01A721][u]History Summary:[/u][/color] [color=9AF781]Leo grew up wealthy and privileged in a house of constant turmoil. The only thing his parents could seem to agree on was their mutual disdain for one another. This was a constant source of stress for young Leo and he often took comfort in spending his time exploring the outdoors or with his many pets. He was always that child that just couldn’t keep still, he needed something to do, some new place to explore. He grayed the hair of just about every tutor and teacher he had and lessons in anything that didn’t interest him were often pushed to the side for something that did. He loved being outside, climbing trees, exploring his surroundings. Leo was drawn to activities like fencing, archery, and hunting, easily bored by lessons in mathematics or literature. History only interested him when they learned of warfare and battle, or to hear of far-off lands so very different from his home. It was his father who noticed his love of the outdoors and who, when he had the time, took his son hunting. Leo always got along better with his father, idolized him, and tended to take his side during his parent's frequent arguments. His father was often busy, doing what a young Leo could only assume was important Duke work, serving king and country, work that simply had to be great and important. He never had a strong connection with his mother, maybe there were just too many headstrong types in one house, but inside his home was always a place of conflict and the outdoors were happy and peaceful. When he was older all he wanted to do was get away, travel as much as he could, climb mountains and explore cities far from home, see the sunrise in as many new places he could find. A new horizon always offered more excitement, more possibilities. He always knew a time would come where he’d be saddled with too many responsibilities, just as he saw his father was, and he wanted to enjoy life for as long as possible. Finding out his father had gone missing was a devastating blow, and then to have his mother almost immediately go and shack up with some former servant only salted the wound. He had a void in his life, an endless string of unanswered questions, and he was alone in his grief and confusion. [/color][/hider]