[hider=Lady Violet Damien] [color=lightcoral][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tztm5gE.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7uwx8NY.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KUn2m01.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZfJKDAI.png?1[/img] [i]Violet stands at a measly 5'3, but don't allow her small stature fool you. She had pale skin and deep black hair like the night sky. In the right reflection, you could even see shimmers of blue peeking through. Her hair was all thanks to her father, but her looks, she really took after her mother. Her strong and sensual eyes are always the first to be noticed, hiding secrets behind them, they always are a topic of conversation. Her dad constantly reminds her how happy he was that she inherited her mother's beauty. Her bright eyes were silver with flecks of white throughout the pupil. Both her parents had blue eyes, it came as a shock when her eyes greyed as she grew older. Her lips are large and lush, complimented by her thin pointed jaw. Overall, Violet was picturesque. However, even with all of her parent's musings over her looks, Violet holds a rather dark secret. A large scar in the shape of claw markings starts just under her chin, traveling down her chest between her breasts. The deep wounds had healed with minor treatment, leaving large and ridged gashes that she hated. Only knowing that she was attacked when she was a babe, the scars were huge issues for Violet. With all the love and admiration she received from her parents, the world gave her a different view. The whispers and conversations as she would walk the halls of her home, she decided she would keep herself covered and hide her scars in shame. Violet wears tight strung corsets, giving her waist its curved effect. Her blouses reached as high as the fashion of the time would allow, with the small suggestions of her scars peeking out the top. Her colors tended to be black, lace, and hints of color when she felt adventurous. She never felt comfortable being seen, so she chooses to stay hidden in the shadow. [/i] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bvMDFRM.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7uwx8NY.png?1[/img] [b]Likes:[/b] - Visiting the gardens - Books - Bathing - Moon/star watching - Dominant Men [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Parties/ Large crowds - Liars - Submissive Men [b]Sexuality:[/b] - Straight [b]Hobbies:[/b] - Drawing - Eavesdropping - Reading - Gardening [b]Life Goals/Dreams:[/b] [i]Violet wants a family, her dreams are to find a strong man like the ones in her stories. Though her father wants her to dream bigger than being a simple mother, Violet longs for that perfect life. She was never really allowed to dream, her parents were very caring and loving however they were protective, keeping her secluded and constantly in their sight. As she aged and gained some independence, she only now is starting to discover who she is, without the shadow of her parents. She is ever-growing in her understanding of the world[/i] [b]Personality Summary:[/b] [i]Violet is used to seclusion, she finds comfort in being alone but has a longing deep in her belly for something more. Being overly protected has created unnatural anxiety towards crowds and large gatherings. She hides it well and can appear confident but she is rather shy. Or is she?[/i] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tw0v4rV.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7uwx8NY.png?1[/img] [b]Current occupation:[/b] - A lady [b]Any past occupations?: [/b] - None [b]Relatives:[/b] - Count Calbert (father) - Countess Liliane (mother) [b]Skills:[/b] - Her ability to hide and gather information - Her ability to use her charm - Her painting skills - Her Green thumb [b]History Summary:[/b] [i]Violet grew up in a loving home. Her parents were the prime example of a perfect relationship. Her father was perfect and doting, and her perfect beautiful mother was a shining beacon of perfection. However, these examples of what a relationship could be romanticized her own ideals of relationships, making her feel that no man was ever enough for her. No one ever really caught her eye or was able to hold her attention. However, her home life wasn't all that sunny. Her mother was constantly falling ill, her worries and insecurities of losing her daughter, Liliane continued to shelter her daughter from the moment she was born. Almost losing her life during childbirth, Violet was protected and watched over like a hawk by her mother. She was constantly held away from social interactions and even during outings outside. When she was a child, Violet had run off and was attacked by an animal in the woods. Leaving a horrible disfiguring scar over the child's chest, and leaving the child on bed rest for months, Liliane swore that day that she would protect her child more. As Violet aged, she fought her parents to gain some independence, and although she has gained some her life-long seclusions have kept her nieve to the social world. Now joining the world, she is ready to explore, find herself, and maybe even find someone. [/i] [/center][/color] [/hider]