[@vancexentan] [color=00aeef]"All those books and not a single graphic novel. And you call yourself a library? Me thinks not."[/color], commented Conner as he stepped out of the elevator, grumbling to himself about his fruitless venture in Chaldea's library. So far, life at Chaldea was quite the unique experience. Definitely leagues better than his stays at the Clock Tower, where every polite gesture hides a shameless scheme, and every passed corner has a chance getting stabbed in the back.... or worse. Here, though, mostly everyone here isn't out to gain glory, fame or prestige. The united goal in the preservation of humanity and the safeguarding of its future keeps everyone on the straight and narrow, as well as preventing the inflation of a mage's infamous ego and ambition..... or so it would seem, at least. One can never truly know how circumstances like this pan out long term, so one can never truly be sure. All Conner knew was the Chaldea was looking superior to the Clock Tower with every passing second..... ..... Now if only they had some better reading material... As he stepped into the hallway, Conner turned to see Leon, the leader of Team B, walking toward him.... with his uniform unbuttoned. [color=00aeef]"The Alpine air not cool enough for you, sir?"[/color], Conner jested with a small smirk as he walked alongside the older man. [color=00aeef]"Director Archibald wants to meet us at CHALDEAS. Sounds serious. Could it be about Team A?"[/color]