[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][hr][img]https://c.tenor.com/c_RzZ9uPW3oAAAAC/doctor-strange-marvel.gif[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][u]Sketchy Hotel[/u][/b] [color=FF17F2]"Of course Runa,"[/color] Klara said to her with a smile, [color=FF17F2]"Their buildings aren't the best or anything at all, that much is clear,"[/color] she added as she started casting a spell. [color=yellow]"Guin I could survive a building falling on me it wouldn't be that bad!"[/color] Lance protested a bit when she commented on not leaving people behind. [color=yellow]"If he has to leave someone behind, I'm fine if it is me since everyone else would get killed or something if this building comes down."[/color] Pietro wasn't too thrilled with the conversation with regards to who he'd grab and race off with, but the one thing he was glad about was that Guin didn't seem to suggest leaving her behind. Since that would have been a hell no not happening sort of thing in his mind. [color=7ea7d8][i]Guina, not sure that will be helpful, I've been told going super fast past what I naturally do would be bad. Since there is a bit of a mental block that I subconsciously put there that prevents me from going too fast according to Wanda, cause otherwise bad things could happen.[/i][/color] Making a bit of a quick decision, Pietro races off, with Guin (and her little pet) and Lana in tow. Guin would manage to get him to go a little bit faster, and he raced out in a gust of wind. Once outside, they'd actually fully be able to see the damage that Runa had caused outside, and he couldn't help but sigh a bit. [color=7ea7d8]"Wow Runa, dramatic much?"[/color] Pietro asked her as he raced over, and set Guin and Lana down (Lana being a person Pietro still didn't even really know. [color=FF17F2]"Huh, whose she?"[/color] Klara couldn't help but comment with regards to Lana being there. Back inside once more, Pietro went right up to Annie and Lance, [color=7ea7d8]"Alright, your turn, let's get out of here before the building comes down..."[/color] Lance nodded his head, before Pietro picked up the two of them and raced off again, this time however, the cops inside seemed to notice them completely now, and started shooting at the trio as they raced along. Luckily, Pietro had quick enough reflexes to more or less dodge the bullets, before heading outside. He barely managed to get them out of the building before it started crumbling a bit more, and becoming unstable. At least he managed to get them to the alleyway where everyone else was. Before he could take too much of a breather, out in the street, they'd be able to see a sling ring portal open up, and out stepped the magical wizard, that being Doctor Strange of course making his dramatic entrance! He looked a bit annoyed about something, before turning his attention towards the group in the alley. [color=53A981]"I know you are there, I already have enough trouble with Asgardians for another to start causing issues,"[/color] he said, though clearly prepared to attack the group. [b][u]Frost International Building[/u][/b] "Not sure that talking to another version of me would aid in the matter... My brain as people like to describe it is swiss cheese, can't remember much and everything, so not sure meeting with someone who actually has some memories would actually work out," Klara commented with a bit of a shrug towards Bethany, before looking at Ed, "Nice to meet you I guess, even though I already know a version of you, which gets a bit confusing in my head and makes it spin, but whatever." Well things got a bit interesting, as she saw the two counterparts show up from a hall, and Mary was a little weirded out by this. Though people seeing her as a dead person walking around wasn't a good thing in general, but also looking in a mirror and seeing other people around wasn't great either. This whole situation was insane in her mind, but she ended up just sort of waving slightly, [color=007236]"Uh, hi there?"[/color] she said to them. [color=E0F6FD]"So these must be our guests then I take it?"[/color] a voice called out, before in walked Emma Frost, with Cyclops walking right next to her, and Rogue following close behind them. She looked between the group with a smile, [color=E0F6FD]"Other versions of Mage and Nightlock then? And who looks like the child who died years ago? Such an interesting group."[/color] Cyclops just sort of looked at the group. Of course, it was a bit harder to get a read on his facial expressions because of the visor, so it was near impossible to know what he was thinking at the moment. Of course, this was beyond strange, since there were two different versions of both Ed and Bethany in the room. Mary personally wasn't really sure what all could really be said given this whole situation. One thing that she did know, was that Emma Frost in their reality was borderline on whether she was a good person or not. At least from what she heard, and now, here she was, talking to them as if it was nothing. She was a bit grateful that the other members of the old X-Men team were here, so clearly in this universe the Hellfire Club couldn't be all that bad and all right? She was still a bit hesitant about it, but thought nothing of it. They kind of still had to off and find the others, maybe they could help? There were so many things going through her mind. [color=3346D5]"What exactly brings you all here?"[/color] Cyclops eventually asked the group, he was keeping his voice steady and neutral with every word he spoke. [color=007236]"...We kind of got stranded in this reality and kind of want to try and get back to our own..."[/color] that was about all that she really felt comfortable sharing. She trusted Cyclops and the others for the most part, but she still was unsure if she should trust Emma Frost at all. "You know, we really need to do something here to make it more obvious as to whose who since you aaaaaaalllllll look identical," Klara blurted out. One thing was a bit obvious though when it came to her words really. Unlike in their reality, where Klara typically spoke in a bit of a more formal matter (like most Asgardians tended to, but a little less formal still then some other Asgardians they've met), here, as the bit of an amnesiac that she is, she very much didn't. Actually, aside from the circlet and the sword that they could see leaned up against the wall, she rather easily could pass off as a normal human with how she was acting. "So, we're going to fix this, right now. What to do though..." She seemed to be contemplating this now. [color=E0F6FD]"Klara, we shouldn't crowd our guests don't you think?"[/color] Emma commented, before turning her attention back towards the group. [color=E0F6FD]"Well, we can see if we perchance can aid you. Rogue spoke a bit of what you all told her and Wolverine when they arrived at the mansion. However if you don't mind sharing what happened in your own words, we might be able to see what we can do."[/color] Before Mary could say anything else though, she was interrupted by Klara going, "Oooooh I know!" she said out loud, before starting to giggle like crazy, a bit of a swirl of magic appeared in her hands, and she flung it out at the four (Bethany, Nightlock, Ed and Mage). The four of them would find that on their chest, they each had a [i]My name is...[/i] sticker, each with their name. (the 667 counterparts with their codenames of Mage and Nightlock, Bethany and Ed had their actual names). Though Klara did also clearly have her sense of humor and trickery, as they all also ended up with one stuck on their forehead directly in the middle, and she couldn't help but crack up laughing. That definitely lent itself to an amusing sight to Mary, though there was a bit of a crash down the hall, and out in a flash of fur came racing into the room as a red, blue and white cat came into the room racing into the room. Rogue let out a sigh, shaking her head a bit [color=CFFF5C]"What are Remy's little rascals doing now? Did he give them catnip or somethin'?"[/color] she asked with a bit of an eye roll. Mary reached her hand down, and the white one came over and started rubbing up against her, [color=007236]"Hey there Figaro, how are you doing?"[/color] she asked, itching the cat behind the ear. [color=CFFF5C]"Ok, gotta ask, how do you know how to keep the cats straight? They always are just a ball of fur racing around to me. Remy is always correctin' me when I call one the wrong name."[/color] [color=007236]"It isn't that hard when you pay attention..."[/color] There was something that would distract Ed and Bethany a little bit though. What was that exactly? It was a flash of another odd memory that clearly wasn't quite their own, at least not how they remembered things. Bethany's memory that flashed into her mind was what looked like to have been sort of a continuation of her last memory. She'd see her going to the Frost International Building, and getting brought up to the top floor and being introduced to what looked like most of the previous X-Men team, and Cyclops offering to help her learn how to use her powers correctly. Ed's memory that flashed through his mind, that was much more recent, and looked to be the incident they had been somewhat discussing with regards to how they had ran into Klara. He, along with Rogue, Gambit Storm and Wolverine in the memory, came across a strange sight, as they'd be at the sight of a crater of sorts, and he'd see Klara in the center of it, looking disheveled and her armor looked battered up and damaged in more then a few places, and she had her sword out in her hands, waving it around freaked out. When the group approached she instantly lashed out and started trying to fight them off. Despite looking like she had a few injuries, she held her own, before eventually getting knocked out, but she had been muttering a lot in the fight, every so often he'd be able to make out a word, typically relating to needing to stop someone. It wasn't clear who though.