The return back to the safehouse was something of a chaotic mess, and that was being [i]generous[/i]. The Institute seemed none to happy with Wallace for their unplanned trip. The crew of her ship ended up being detained, which was something Nirann expected he was going to have to deal with at some point, considering that they had gone with her voluntarily. Though, it was nothing that was going to be solved right away, and they did have other concerns that were more pressing at the moment. The science team’s safehouse did not have its own medical center, so they ended up bringing Freyr back to her room. Fortunately, she would not end up lacking proper medical attention. Marae woke Vreta as soon as they returned to get into contact with Rareth, who was able to get a Rothian medical team approved within minutes to come down from the cruiser in orbit, with emergency services priority. Given the speed of Rothian craft, it would not take long at all for them to arrive. Vreta joined Marae and Nirann in Freyr’s room, still half-asleep. With how dull their time in the safehouse had been, he had hardly expected Marae to be shaking him awake with an emergency when he laid down that evening. He had gotten into contact with Rareth right away to get help, though his conversation with her had lasted a few minutes longer after Marae had left. While they awaited the medical team, Vreta suppressed a yawn as he looked down at Freyr. She was unconscious, and still in her wet, somewhat bloody clothes. No one had yet told him anything beyond the fact that she had hit her head, so he could only imagine what events had gotten her to this point. For now, Nirann had put her down on the floor and cleared out a wide area around her to make plenty of room for the medics when they arrived. “I don’t know what in the Void happened here, but first things first, is she badly hurt, Nirann?” Vreta asked. “My current frame isn’t equipped with proper medical scanners, but I did see the impact. She just hit her head on a barrier, nose first. That might be broken, but overall, the forces involved shouldn’t be too serious. She’s breathing fine; pulse is normal.” Nirann answered. Vreta sighed. “Well, one of us should still probably help her pack. I just finished talking with Rareth, and it seems like we’re going to be moving in the morning. [i]All[/i] of us. Hopefully she’ll be up and about by then, but I don’t think she’ll be happy to start packing boxes then. Marae gave a glance around the room. “I suppose I can do it. It will keep me busy, at least.” Nirann approached her, resting a hand on her shoulder. “No, I’ll do it. It’s not like I need to sleep, and you need to at least try to rest while you can.” It was not long before the medical team arrived. There was just a single Rothian among the team, with the rest consisting of medical droids. Granted, in most cases, it was the droids that performed the majority of the work. While they were not true AI like Nirann, each one possessed highly sophisticated programming tailored specifically to diagnosing and treating organic beings. Their programming contained a full compendium of medical knowledge on every sapient species in the galaxy. One of the droids did have an appearance similar to a Rothian, but the rest were floating drones equipped with a wide array of specialized equipment. The medics wasted no time, with one of the droids moving over right away to perform its scans, starting with her head.