I have a confession to make. I went to go write a post for you. I spent five minutes just staring at the blank document dreading the thought of having to put myself into Darin's mindset. I'm not sure why. I wish I knew. I managed to write a few paragraphs but I was not happy with them at all. In fact, they made me angry. I don't know what to do with Harai. I have no clue what to do with Darin. I had a plan for Martin, and now I can't remember it and it makes be angry that I can't remember it. I'm not sure what to do for my next post without wanting to throw my computer across the room. (Which would be bad.) This isn't normal writer's block for me. That will frustrate me and leave me irritated. But this makes me downright angry. I ask for you patience as I figure this out. Any advice or suggestions you have would be welcome as well. Thank you for understanding.