[@Kiragan_Natsuki] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Magdalene “Maggie” Harwood[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://artignition.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Livia-Prima-Cyberpunk-Girl-Drawing.jpg[/img] Maggie along with Lilith was hacking into the server, Maggie was having some trouble with fighting the ICE programs with some Attacker programs. Lilith was providing help by using Defender programs to help from Maggie’s brain getting fried. Maggie’s avatar in the system was moving lower down levels of the server. Collecting more information and downloading it on her deck. The more information she was downloading and skimming over, the more she was intrigued by what Project E13 was. Nevertheless, she was on the clock and needed to get the information and leave. In the lower levels of the server space, Maggie collected the last of the information. She was sure that their employer was going to pay them handsomely. The blonde-haired merc was pacing around the room outside of the server room, scanning the room while keeping his rifle at the ready. Not noticed the police just yet. “Are you two done? I have a feeling we’re not alone.” The other merc soon joined him, leaving the two hackers to be alone. “[color=f7941d]Not yet we need to download the rest of the data.[/color]” Maggie yelled out making her presence known to the cops. The level-headed merc noticed something on the other side of the room, although he chalked it up to his mind playing tricks on him. Maggie and Lilith soon came out of the server room, “[color=f7941d]We got the info, now let’s get the hell out of here before the cops come.[/color]” And with that, the group headed back towards the loading docks.