[code]C:\Expanse\Data\User_Data\Suzuki_Takada...[/code] [i]Rap-ture?[/i] Suzi didn’t quite understand the implication. It sounded odd and confusing, but the older girl made a joking gesture. Out of nervousness, Suzi smiled agreeably alongside her as she continued listening. It was strangely easier to follow this girl’s lead than [i]Aki-senpai’s.[/i] Suzi’s eyes opened wide at the mention of Digimon. She felt her gaze losing focus as she re-processed this information again. Kudamon was tucked nicely into itself. Resting. Safe. “Octavia.” A hand jetted out in front of Suzi. Her eyes regained focus. She took a step back from the brisk movement and blinked several times before putting out her own hand, as well. “Takada Suzuki.” A weak smile formed on her mouth. She felt less assertive, for some reason. Maybe, the excitement was finally wearing on her. “What did you mean about more than just Digimon inhabiting this world?” She added as she shook Octavia’s hand. She glanced at the others and looked back at Octavia for discernment. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vBTkODk.png?1[/img][/center]