Valeryia was quite enjoying the sights from above during the fly over to help the others. And wondered what secrets the island held, hopefully she'd get some opportunities to collect some samples. Her thoughts cut short by the sight and smell of battle. Smoke from fires, and the warm glow of said fires. Along with the accompanying acrid smell which stung her nose a bit. And once closer to the battlefield, she could see a few distinct skirmishes going on down below. All of which seemed to consist of, what she assumed to be, those they were sent to help. And the Hornet she had been flying with seemed to have made up her mind quicker than Valeryia had expected. Shouting to her to help the larger group in the town while she'd go help the smaller two person team. She felt the need to accompany the Hornet, but realized the element of surprise she'd have on the Varjans. So nodded and immediately darted off to the large group. [center][@PaulHaynek], [@Hammerman], [@AzureKnight] (HIN), [@Dark Cloud], [@WanderingDragon][/center] As she arrived above the group, the full scope of the situation was apparent. There was a lot of Varjan cavalry, and without help, the group was surely doomed. And thus decided on her course of action. Time was of the essence, so trying to get something like like lightning or a fireball off would be rather risky. It'd have to be things that didn't take time to cast. She swooped down to the group and landed just in front of everyone. No time for introductions or soft landings as her claws dug into the ground to give resistance to her remaining forward momentum. Valeriya first quickly shot off a few lightning bolts aimed at the charging cavalry, then powered a barrier in front of her. Spreading her wings wide enough to cover the group, the barrier expanded in unison to protect the group from Varjan projectiles. Her head turned briefly so she could just about see behind her "Stay behind me unless you want to take your chances with their weapons." Valeriya spoke firmly before directing her attention back to the oncoming cavalry.