Okay. I've read some of the books and the closest thing to that, from my readings, is a heirophant. It's probably spelled better. The heirophant was a space dock of the covenant's- a little after Reach, too. I think it's where Sierra-117's teammate Samuel sacrificed himself. Or would you prefer a landbased area? If you want you could choose to not be the Master Chief Petty Officer and be your own SPARTAN-4, like a girl one (or woman) as because the Halo 4 game there's a whole military 'branch' now of SPARTAN-4s. There was a gametype on Halo 4 called "Spartan Ops" that you could play as your own spartan. Bit of a lot of information, but it's been getting improved through fandom- some of the new armors; [url]https://www.halopedia.org/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor_(GEN2)[/url]. This next link explains the armor generations, so if you want you dont need a GEN2 if you choose to not be the Master Chief Petty Officer. [url]https://www.halopedia.org/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor[/url].