[hider=Daniel "CALAMITY" Schaefer] [b]::NAME::[/b] Daniel Schaefer [b]::HERO NAME::[/b] Calamity [b]::AGE::[/b] 24 [b]::GENDER::[/b] Male [b]::OCCUPATION::[/b] Construction Worker [b]::FAMILY::[/b] Valerie Schaefer (Mother, 56yo, senior 7/11 manager, sweeter than a sugar cube) Gregory Schaefer (Father, 54yo, retired plumber, stern and stoic but caring in his own way) Alexander Schaefer (Younger Brother/Roommate, 20yo, full-time student, decent student but also a notorious party animal) Terrance Schaefer (Younger Brother/Other Roommate, 20yo, full-time student, fraternal twins with Alexander, more bookish than his twin but often goaded into participating in his antics) Jackie Nguyen (Ex-Girlfriend/Baby Momma, 26yo, part time waitress and part time "illicit pharmacist", throws things when she's upset which is often) Kayla Schaefer (Daughter, 8yo, 3rd grader and aspiring black belt martial artist, kicks way too hard for someone with such a nice smile) [b]::APPEARANCE::[/b] A man of decent bulk standing just over 6' with rough, perpetually dirty hands. His clothes are often frumpy and wrinkled with various stains and tears adoring everything he owns. He practically lives in jeans and ratty flannel shirts and doesn't put too much stock into his appearance. His face tends to have anywhere from a few days to several months of beard scruff he periodically and randomly decides to shave. That being said, his personal hygiene is surprisingly good. He brushes his teeth every day, showers every day, uses deodorant, the whole nine yards. He might look a bit dingy but he never smells bad. When doing his superish-hero thing, he wears a pair of mechanic's gloves to minimize cuts and scrapes along with elbow and knee pads and his old football helmet from high-school. Go Eagles! [hider=Picture][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/129fe45edef055672af6c9aaf909edeb/f998705509efa1c7-0c/s1280x1920/df4513eac091d730a94920a290ccf4a6383a05ac.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]::SUPERPOWER::[/b] Strength. Simple, brutal, unwieldy strength. He can pulverize bricks into sand with only grip strength, flip trucks with mild effort, crack solid asphalt with a stomp, and snap steel chains like they were made of wet paper. The catch is that he doesn't know how (or if he even can) tone down this incredible power. He now lives in a world made of tissues and glue and even the smallest, most mundane activity becomes difficult or even impossible. Opening a door takes him several long moments to ensure he doesn't crush the handle or tear it off its hinges. Getting dressed in the morning is still a work in progress and he's turned several shirts into dish rags. Holding pencils? Forget about it. A hug? He wouldn't inflict that on his worst enemy. Daniel hasn't so much as touched his daughter in weeks for fear of outright killing her. Any sort of combat is a delicate balance between not immediately turning his opponent into extra chunky People Salsa™ and not getting himself killed in the process. For all his strength, he's not invulnerable and would be just as dead as anyone else if he was shot or stabbed in a vital area or hit by a car or shocked by an electric pokemon. [b]::SKILLS::[/b] Years of experience have made him a skilled tradesman in the construction of commercial buildings and he can operate a wide variety of tools, both powered and manual, with great efficiency. He's also worryingly good at carnival games and has a knack for party games such as corn hole and beer pong. Daniel also plays a mean game of Texas Holdem. [b]::EQUIPMENT::[/b] The less stuff he brings the less stuff he can break so he tries to not bring anything but his clothes. [b]::PERSONALITY::[/b] Independent, talkative, and somewhat fatherly despite his age. Daniel used to caring for someone else be it his younger brothers or his daughter and will always lend a hand if he's able. He can be a tad stubborn and prefers to just power through a difficult situation rather than "waste time" trying to find a work around. Why work smarter when you can just work harder? [b]::BIOGRAPHY::[/b] His early life was rather average save for his stellar record as a high-school football wide receiver. He met his daughter's mother at a party thrown by the quarterback and ended up dating Jackie for a few weeks before she ended up pregnant with little Kayla. Daniel made it his responsibility to step up and be a father and partner at the tender age of 16, much to his parents' dismay. His parents loved their sons dearly and didn't think Jackie was any good for him. In the following years they'd be proven right. It was easy for Daniel to dismiss the odd bruises and cuts as him being clumsy. After all, who would think a boy of his size who goes to the gym for fun could be hurt like that by such a small woman? The police surely didn't think it was possible, so why would anyone else believe him? His parents realized his explanations didn't always make sense but thought nothing of it until it came out during the child custody case and only by the fact Jackie was also facing drug charges at the time did Daniel gain full custody of their daughter. Now a full time parent, Daniel finished high-school by the skin of his teeth and immediately went to work full time while living with his parents. Until his brothers left for college together and he moved into an apartment with them. The arrangement works for him in that they take turns watching their niece during the day while he earns most of the rent. Daniel makes a point to not watch the news, believing that it only makes people miserable, so he didn't make the connection between his sudden ridiculous strength and the meteor until someone waiting at the bus stopped mentioned it while trying to make small talk with him. For Daniel, these powers are a curse and he wants nothing more than for things to go back to normal, but since that doesn't seem possible, he figures he might as well do some good in ways other people can't. [/hider]