[@Moonlit Ghost] [@Crimson Flame] [@Martian] [color=0072bc][h1][center]Spiderman [/center] [/h1][/color] [img]https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Spider-Man-Original-Black-Suit-Comic.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=767&h=450&dpr=1.5[/img] [color=0072bc][h1][center]Avenger’s Mansion, Situation Room. [/center] [/h1][/color] The first thing that Peter noticed was the other spider-themed hero walking into the room. In the back of his mind, he wondered if there was someone else that had been bitten by a radioactive spider. But this seemed rather rare, so his best assumption was her being in some sort of accident involving radiation and spiders. “[color=0072bc]It’s no problem, are you new? I have not seen you before? Do you work in New York or someplace else?[/color]” His eyes scanned Ghost-Spider, trying to get a good idea of what her whole deal was. “[color=0072bc]Well, it’s nice to meet you.[/color]” Speaking in a friendly tone, wanting to make the newcomer feel welcome. There was a sinister feeling coming from her, however, something he had not felt since his attachment to the symbiote. Peter wondered if she was connected to the violent alien. Peter was going to keep a very close eye on her. His attention turned towards the other young heroes, addressing the one named Billy. “[color=0072bc]My name’s Peter, it’s nice to meet you.[/color]” He was reminded of himself when he first started. Praising the established superheroes, something he never got used to. “[color=0072bc]Well I’m not sure I’m fit to give good advice, but I guess I could tell you the advice I got from Cap. And that would be to never give in to those dark thoughts in your head and to protect the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves.[/color]” Peter turned his attention towards Jim, “[color=0072bc]I’m not doing too bad, Maybelle is starting 4th grade which I’m really excited for.[/color]” The last time he had seen Jim was the invasion of the Skrull. It was nice to see a few familiar faces. Although he was tempted to ask for Jim to live with him, that would be a conversation he would not have. Facing the hologram of Captain America, listening to the reason they were all summoned to the situation room. Discussing the Serpent Society and capturing Viper. Peter assumed that the Serpent Society had some connection to Hydra, helping them rebuild their forces. This mission sounded quite dangerous, he was worried about the newer heroes. And how they could handle such a mission that could be certain death. Peter was silent, listening to the debriefing. Taking in all the information that was being said. [color=0072bc][h1][center]Avenger’s Mansion, Hanger. [/center] [/h1][/color] Once Captain America finished with his debriefing, Peter walked out of the situation room and towards the hanger. Standing in front of the Quinjet for a moment, remembering the last time he was in the jet. Walking inside and heading towards the computer, looking through the computer for any further information on the target.