[center][h3]Part Four: Prospero of Revidia and Segona[/h3][/center][hr] Prospero Malatesta was a cautious man but, paradoxically, a risk taker. If anything, his strongest characteristic had always been knowing precisely when and how to leap. Today, he had made such a leap and, in the strictest sense, it had paid off for him. Even now, his enemies were fleeing the city, tails between their figurative legs. Jobanzaggah, he had allowed to stay on the council, simply because he had no further partners who were both reliable and credible and because it would leave the Belzaggic emperor in his debt. Of course, he didn't expect the Thunder King to honour any sort of formal agreement, so he had merely asked for an exchange of favours. Giving up Horik had hurt, but President Yibozo was a definitive upgrade. The Eskandish king had provided ample reminder mere hours ago of what a hotheaded fool he truly was. "There will be blood," he had threatened. Prospero had nearly rolled his eyes. The only blood shed would be Horik's, most likely when his people rebelled against the costly and foolish war he was sure to try to call. Yet, despite the completeness of his victory and the humiliation of his enemies, an uneasy feeling sat atop Prospero's stomach as he listened to updates from his spy chiefs. Rouis had had a moment there, as Perrence had been ousted from the council. It had been a powerful one - the sort that spread, as news, on the tongues of people who made stories. The Doge knew that he needed to nip it in the bud. That was not the only thing bothering him, though. The poise of Rouis... he'd always been a hothead. That song the girl had started: The Doge had had his people scout her after the fact. She was to be in the king's carriage tonight as part of his guard. Her father - a printer - had ties to Rouis. It was not an ironclad fact that the entire thing had been planned, but it was a possibility and Prospero didn't like possibilities when they weren't ones that he could control or that wouldn't benefit him. There were many moving pieces on the board now and, as always, having some idea of what they were and who was moving them would give him a better understanding of why they were being moved and where they might go next. He had pieces of his own, of course, and they were doing his work - the work needed to drag this world out of its feudal ignorance and into an age of enlightenment, science, and reason. Of course, people tend to resist changes so fundamental, and it was inevitable that blood would have to be - It cut into his thoughts: a cracking boom, distant but massive, and Prospero l'Anguilla turned to gaze out the balcony of his villa. It was on a small, semi-forested hill and, when he glanced down, he could see that a few people in the streets below had taken notice as well. He furrowed his brow, casting about, and reached out with the Gift, searching for any sign of what had caused such an explosion. "My Doge!" It was Maurizio, stepping out with alarm on his face, ever protective. Prospero smiled reassuringly. "Don't fear, my friend. I am quite well." The look of relief on his guard chief's face was palpable. Prospero stepped further out onto the balcony and craned his neck, certain that the noise had come from that direction. An enormous mushroom-shaped cloud rose into the sky and the usually impossible to ruffle Doge of Revidia blinked in surprise. [i]What in Eshiran's name!?[/i] he wondered, instinctively reaching out for familiar energy signatures. [i]Eight.[/i] He counted them. All six Arch Zenos, the Zenith, and the Paradigm were accounted for. There were other strong signatures too: some of the Zenos, Tans, and even students. He noticed Maurizio staring off in awe at the explosion with him. "Whoever's responsible for that, they're not from the school." That was... due North, Prospero noted, and he wondered. There were four moons up in the sky tonight. He'd heard rumours, of course, but he hadn't been able to confirm them, much to his annoyance. [i]Still, what could've been dangerous enough to make him reveal his true power?[/i] The Doge shuddered at the thought. "Milord," Maurizio prodded. "What shall I do?" Prospero's eyes narrowed. He clasped his hands behind his back and pivoted to face his oldest and most loyal confidante. "Have the Tethered reach out and confirm those energies." He nodded. "And have our people who can move with the Gift dispatched due north and south down the Godsroad, nearly to the borders." He paused. "Have another out to sea, in the direction His Majesty, the Emperor of Belzagg, departed. They are only to witness and report, not to engage." Maurizio bowed slightly at waist, hands pressed against his sides. "Very good, sir." "And Solaire, the performer, request his audience here on the morrow." Maurizio nodded. "It shall be done." Prospero smiled tightly. "That is..." As he spoke, he reached out with the Gift, deadening the air outside of his immediate surroundings to sound. The enemy were at the gates - the [i]true[/i] enemy. He could [i]feel [/i]them, and his gaze turned in their direction, even though they had rendered themselves beyond sight. "... not all," he amended. "Yes, milord?" "Send for the girl. Send for Ismette."