Aslain took a blow to his helmet, it didn't hurt but the sudden impact threw off his sense of direction for a moment and in the next his right leg came out from under him. His grip on Favian's arm was probably the only thing that kept him from going to the ground fully. He could feel that from his grip that Favian was going to use the momentum to push him on his own right but not while he held the grip which would prevent him from pushing. The dagger however did not meet its target, stopping at the plate. It was frustrating - so close to striking a mortal blow and it was missed. Then again, they weren't meant to die, the organizers were scoring. No doubt Favian was favored for his earlier strike towards the chest. Even the blades were blunted, and while the poleaxe indeed had a hammer, a single blow to the head would have been enough to ensure victory. [i]Not like this...[/i] From the ground he shifted his attention grabbing and tackling Favian low, where his hips would be, Launching himself with his strong legs. [i]If I go to the ground, you shall too.[/i] Though to do this, he would have to cede the grip on Favian's arm. He had to position his right leg in the right way. These few precious moments could give Favian an opening. But he would play a trick tackling to mask his attack, attempting to slip his dagger between where his chest plate and the leg armor meets. [i]I will gut you sir. And I shall come out the victor.[/i]