[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/M6C1ktc.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=red]Time:[/color] Morning [color=red]Location:[/color] River Port Beach [color=red]Interactions:[/color] Annya [@princess] , Saorise [@Potter] Raven [@Tae], Ismael [@Th3King0fChaos] [color=red]Equipment:[/color] Cobalt Saber, Cobalt Half Plate, 1490 Amas, Map of Avalia, Lantern, Water Flask, 3x Torch, x10 Travel Rations, Washing Brush. Kharne had continued his rampage through the slimes until he looked like a giant slime himself. A signal was finally given for all contestants to stop their butchery and come get their rewards. Shaking himself, sending a good portion of slime flying off himself, he went off and collected the reward. Good pay for doing such little work, unfortunately this was only during the slime season. He'd have to come back again next year for such easy cash. They'd have to wait for their turn in the bathhouse that was provided, not that it bothered him. His scales were tougher than the others skin so he rarely worried about rashes and such. Kaleb asked how many kills they got, which made him think a moment. [color=gray]"Somewhere in the nineties."[/color] He stated, given his physical prowess, and the advantage of being a mobile weapon, it was unsurprising he had killed so many. The giant man took note of the globes and huffed quietly to himself. [color=gray]"Using my image but not paying me to use it..."[/color] He grumbled but shrugged. He wasn't aware of any laws saying no one could. Then again that was how your fame could spread which would net him other jobs later on. As the group approached the girls relaxing on the beach he gave them a lazy wave. [color=gray]"Enjoy your time relaxing?"[/color] He asked them while undoing the various clasps of his armor and letting it drop with a low thump onto the sand. The joys of being so bit short of an orc there was almost no one who could run off with his armor. Which was why he'd wash it and polish it himself instead of using the service of the bathhouse. Speaking of the groups numbers and names were called out. A shrug, he kept the communicator bracelet on and started to move. [color=gray]"We'll be back in a bit. Please watch my armor."[/color] He requested before going to the cleaning zone. Each zone could only accommodate so many people so the group had their own. Each showering spot was walled off by canvas and a curtain so there was privacy between the sexes. [color=gray]"So did you lot have fun on your first slime killing?"[/color] Kharne questioned as he stooped to let the magically heated water wash over him, dissolving and sloughing off the multi-colored slime chunks stuck on his white and gray body.