[hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsKRtFky/image.png[/img] [I][color=696969]New York, Frost International Skills: N/A[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Bethany turned her attention towards Emma Frost and Cyclops as they both came down shortly behind was Rouge as well to, she gave the two of them a slight wave. [color=696969]"Thanks for allowing us to come here."[/color] Beth said to them, as she turned her attention over towards her counterpart who walked over towards Emma and Cyclops. Probably so that the others wouldnt get to confused with the two of them, Nightlocke turned to stare at Klara as she complained about it being to confusing though that was understandable. Then Klara decided to use her magic and hit the four of them with it as a sticker appeared on their foreheads with their names on it. [u][i]"Was putting them on our foreheads really necessary?"[/i][/u] Nightlocke said sounding a little bit annoyed as she rolled her eyes slightly as she peeled it off and crumbled it up. [color=696969]"It's at least better then getting hit with a glitter bomb our Klara's mother told us that she did it a lot back in our reality."[/color] Bethany said as she took the sticker that was on her forehead and crumbled it up as well to. She turned her attention over towards Mary for a moment as she answered some of Cyclops' question so far they had been pretty helpful and decided to tell them more. [color=696969]"Back in our reality the rest of our group were all on Asgard. Forseti Runa's uncle i'm not sure if you all met her or not, but anyway he somehow had the Reality Stone on him and was using it to destroy other realities. We managed to stop him, and were on our way home when we were suddenly transported here and separated from the others."[/color] Beth told them when she paused for a moment as she started to get a new memory, and turned to look at Nightlocke before turning to both Ed and Mary. [color=696969]"Are either of you getting flashes or different memories since you've been here?"[/color] She asked Ed and Mary.