[center][h3]Tora, Poppi, and Big Band[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Sandswept Sky - Apex of the World Level 9 Tora (147/90) Level 9 Poppi (147/90) Level 5 Big Band (87/50) Midna’s [@DracoLunaris], Fox’s [@Dawnrider], Sectonia’s [@Archmage MC], Primrose and Therion’s [@Yankee], Raz’s [@TruthHurts22], the Phantom Thieves, Braum, the Scout, Peacock, Mao, Robin, Tharja, Ciella [b]Word Count:[/b] 1180[/center] Just when the ceasefire Midna wanted finally seemed to be underway, with neither Tora and Poppi, the Phantom Thieves, Sectonia, nor the ASG soldiers on the offensive, Ciella had to go and bring her -as well as Phalanx and everything on it- down. The colossus began to lose altitude, and though it had plenty to spare at this great height, the swirling blue glimmer in the Agito’s blow told the team up above that more gaping puncture wounds in their ride’s gas sacs would soon be forthcoming. Midna asked someone to intercede on Phalanx’ behalf, but the issue with that was that Ciella could charge and shoot a lot faster than anyone could fly down, and even if the wind stopped roaring in everyone’s years any voice would be hard-pressed to go the distance. But as luck would have it one line of communication remained open. With the colossus otherwise preoccupied, Joker could release his grip on its coarse hair to reach up to his mask and activate his comms. “Necro? Come in!” “Navigator here!” the U.F.O. replied, her voice mostly intact. “Sitting pretty by the bell. How’s it looking up there?” “We need the rabbit lady to stop shooting. We think this is a trap of some kind.” “Oh! I’ll get right on that!” Necronomicon zoomed down to where the archer stood as fast as she could go. After switching off her comms, she placed herself right in Ciella’s vision, if not her line of fire. “Hey, we’ve got urgent news!” she declared, waving her tentacles for attention. “It’s a trap! The guys up top just found out! Don’t shoot it any more!” For a moment Ciella did not deign to respond. She had a bead on the second gas bag, and her arrow was at full charge. It would be the easiest thing in the world -not to mention a satisfying one- to let fly and pop that second balloon. But the Agito rolled her eyes beneath her mask, and relaxed her drawstring. The typhoon arrow faded away as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other, placing a hand on her hip as she did. “Capricious fools,” she sulked. “This deception will not go unpunished.” Whether she meant the Seekers or Phalanx, however, she did not elaborate. A couple seconds later Joker’s comms crackled to life again. “Ciella is holding fire! What are you gonna do now?” The leader of the Thieves looked around at the heroes gathered on the colossus’ back, extending the question to all of them. “If we ain’t givin’ this thing the business, no reason to hang around up here,” Band observed. “Guess we’ll make like a delivery an’ drop ourselves off.” Peacock looked perplexed. “Agh, baloney! Talk about anticlimax!” She stood up straight, saluted the team with her eyes closed, and promptly got blown away by the wind. “Bombs awaaaaaay!” Band threw himself off after her, using the afterglow’s slow-fall to control his descent until a rocket blast could stop him short of ringing Jondo’s bell. Using their gliders Joker and Skull departed, headed down to join the companions that Phalanx successfully knocked off. Tora and Poppi were the last to go, and though the Nopon did not at all look pleased by this turn of events, he appeared to be more disappointed than angry. With a resigned shrug as if to tell Midna [i]we’re just wasting our time, meh[/i] he let Poppi pick him up, and then both the wannabe driver and artificial blade were gone. After a few moments, the Seekers reunited at the edge of Jondo, near one of the four statues. Band looked over the crowd, aware of the plentiful mixed feelings, and opted to take control of the situation. “Well, where do we go from here?” he asked. “Y’all find anythin’ down here?” Robin, arms crossed and coat flapping in the wind, turned his attention from the statue to the detective. “Well, these things seem to be holding the bell’s ringer, preventing it from moving. We considered breaking them to see what would happen, but decided against it.” “Why, meh? Some kind of problem?” Tora asked. Robin shrugged, wishing that the person who made the call was getting grilled rather than him. “Thought we’d consult everyone first, I suppose.” “In other words, you’ve ground to a total halt,” Ciella remarked, her apathetic tone suggesting that she didn’t care enough to make the situation her problem. It wasn’t long at all before Poppi cut into the discussion. “Excuse me? Enemy incoming.” Tora blinked, looking around. “What? Where?” “There!” Poppi exclaimed, pointing into the sky. When her allies turned to look, they found Phalanx headed straight for them. The sunset-red light in its four eyes reminded the heroes of this world’s truth: that those under Galeem’s influence would not cease their struggle, no matter what. It bore down on the team, flying low enough to nearly scrape the rim of Jondo, and with it came such a massive front of air that the entire assortment of Seekers could be thrown from the mountaintop in mere moments. As if that wasn’t enough, the colossus lowered its horn like a charging rhino, ready to strike. Braum leaped into action to protect his allies. “Stand behind me!” he called as he leaped in front of the team, slamming his shield into the stone. Ice sprang up from the impact point, freezing his shield to the ground and creating an even bigger wall of defense. He poured in all the magic he could muster, swelling the ice wall to twice, then thrice its size. The Heart of Freljord planted his feet, and steeled himself. “Poppi Alpha, time to shine!” Tora called, running for Redento, and Poppi was of like mind. Without a moment to lose she quick-shifted to her most defensive form and knelt behind Tora, holding him in place while he dug in with the Drill Shield. Confused and afraid, the wandering pilgrim hunkered down behind her. The front slammed into the heroes, and on its heels came the spiky jaw of the colossus, ramming into Braum’s barrier with withering force. There came an earth-shaking [i]CRACK[/i], and though Phalanx slowed, it did not stop. It blew through, shattering the ice, and Braum fell backward with his shield on top of him, jarred into unconsciousness by the impact. Those not in direct contact with the barrier avoided the follow-through, but it still took a moment for them to get their heads straight and rise from the icy wreckage of Braum’s defense. Band watched the remainder of Phalanx pass by overhead, in awe that he somehow thought this thing wasn’t a threat. In Galeem’s world, there was no such thing as a creature without a violent bone in its body. Tora and Poppi escaped the worst of the assault, and thanks to their efforts even Redento was okay. As they rose from their Rigid Shield technique they turned to face their allies, not even bothering to ask the question on everyone’s mind. [i]What now?[/i] [center][h3]Ms Fortune[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Deep Blue Seaside - Limsa Lominscuttle Town Level 8 Nadia (57/80) Koopa Troop’s [@DracoLunaris], Blazermate’s [@Archmage MC], Hat Kid’s [@Dawnrider], Geralt’s [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN], Ace Cadet’s [@Yankee], Sakura's [@Zoey Boey], Link’s [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [b]Word Count:[/b] 2064[/center] [hider=Results][b]Party:[/b] Bowser, Junior, Kamek, Blazermate, Geralt, Ace Cadet, Sakura, Link, Nadia Fortune [b]Boss Reward:[/b] 30 EXP[/hider] After approximately ten hours of blissful oblivion, a dreamless, nigh-comatose state rather more like unconsciousness than slumber, Nadia stirred at last. She awoke in a tangled cocoon of sublimely soft bedsheets, swaddled like a newborn baby and every bit as dressed. Scarcely able to move, she stared at the inn room around her in a state of bleary serenity, breathing slowly and steadily, so fogged up by forgetfulness that she couldn’t so much as remember her own name, let alone where she was or why she was here. It took a few moments for the gears in her mind to start turning again, and like water through a broken dam the memories came rushing in. The battle...the Maw…the island…the beach. Maybe an entire six-pack of beer before bed hadn’t been as good of an idea as it seemed at the time. Nadia sighed, let her eyelids slide shut, and turned over. Some of the events remained fuzzy, maybe even repressed, but she got the feeling that was for the best. After a few moments her eyes blinked open, fixed on the radiant sunlight that peeked around her room’s window curtains. Whatever happened last night, today was a new day. Totally revitalized by her extended stay in slumberland, she felt fresh and new, even if she did have a slight headache. Today there would be no monsters, no storms, no curses, and no fighting–just a well-earned vacation. If Peach or whoever wanted to put her straight to work on the next boss, they could suck it. Limsa Lominscuttle Town with all its delightful amenities awaited Nadia Fortune. It was time to enjoy the peace she’d fought so hard to win. The feral took a deep breath in through her nose and attempted to rise. The silken bindings that made her look like a mummy held her back, so she got to work getting herself loose. For now she lacked the mental wherewithal to deal with all the knots and entanglements, and many of them seemed torn already, slashed into uneven strips and ribbons by inadvertent claws. “[i]Cat[/i] imagine how that happened,” Nadia murmured, and with another sigh she finished the job. Once free she treated herself to a luxurious stretch, working out the stiffness in her arms, shoulders, and back. After a quick rub of her eyes she hopped down to the floor and practically skipped over to the window, though she wisely stopped short of throwing it wide to stand there like a queen surveying her territory. Still, even if the angle looked across the city rather than the land or the ocean, the view from up here was really good. As she peered down through the curtains with bright eyes, she could see tons of people of all shapes and sizes everywhere, on the bridges and the seastacks and wharves, just going about their business. There were many shipgirls among their number, though their casual citizen attire and lack of rigging made them tough to recognize at first. Judging by the shadows, the glint on the waves below, and the level of activity it had to be midday, at least. Maybe she was just imagining it, but the place seemed even more bright and cheerful than she remembered it. Everything, as ordinary as it might be, looked so vivid and full of life. Maybe the news of the Seekers’ achievements had already spread, and the cityfolk knew that they lived under the shadow of the Abyssal Fleet and the accursed Bottomless Sea no longer? Either way, the sight of things as they ought to be filled Nadia with happiness. Her grogginess melted away like mist in the morning sun, and with last night’s horrors a dull and distant memory, she felt like a million bucks. That feeling came to an abrupt end when a loud rumble suddenly reminded her how hungry she was. In fact, ‘hungry’ probably wasn’t a big enough word for how she felt; ‘famished’ might be more appropriate, or even ‘starving’. Before she could launch herself into the city to avail herself of its many restaurants, though, there was one not-so-minor issue in her way. “How am I gonna get new clothes…?” Nadia asked herself, scratching her head. Obviously her old outfit was beyond salvation, with the very possible exception of her cat-bell if not the collar attached to it, but its disposal left her with approximately zero other options. Her eyes landed on the cases left over from last night. “Not a dream,” she murmured as she padded over to open the last one up. As she suspected, it held a miniature treasure trove of gold coins. Her eyes lit up, but they teared up a little, too. “Thanks, guys,” she breathed, too wistful to celebrate her sudden wealth, at least for now. If money wasn’t an issue, that just left the logistical matter of exchanging it for goods and/or services. Maybe she could call for help? Then again, even if her friends were in the adjacent rooms, it would be pretty embarrassing. The idea of having to explain the situation to Ace in particular made her turn red, although as her thoughts raced down a tangent a mischievous smile took over her face. Before she could get carried away, however, she shook her head clear. “Whoa, gettin’ sidetracked.” Hopefully she could find him later and just hang out or something, but for now this was her problem to solve. For a few minutes Nadia paced around her room, tail swishing back and forth, impatient from hunger, until a bright idea popped into her mind. “Oh. Oh, oh!” Gathering herself up, she summoned a copycat of herself from her vital fluid. The watery doppelganger stood there until Nadia reached over and took off its head, which she then absorbed and replaced with her own. It took a little adjustment, but she found that since the copycat seemed to respond to her will, she could puppet it pretty effectively. Though a little wobbly at first, she managed to grab the coinbox and slip out the door. “Okay! First stop, clothes. Second stop, grub!” Twenty minutes later her head returned atop her copycat, a slightly lighter coinbox in one hand and a bag in the other. She slipped back inside to find her body languishing on the bed, bored, hungry, and literally twiddling her thumbs. As she entered she only barely avoided stepping on and soaking an envelope on the floor, slipped beneath the door at some point during her outing. “What’s this nyaow?” Though filled with curiosity by the letter, it would have to wait. Quickly she reunited head and body, put on her brand-new clothes, then stood before the mirror to survey her new outfit. A black one-piece bathing suit that caught her eyes by virtue of the white tiger-stripes on the sides lay beneath a pair of high-waisted jean shorts with as much spiky fluff around the bottom as she could find. Over that went a baggy white tank top, tie-dyed with swirls of blue that complemented the new patterns on her skin. From a pirate-themed shop she’d managed to lay her hands on a clear eyepatch, which helped alleviate the weirdness of her discolored left eye. Although, it also just made her feel cool. She’d even grabbed a black leather satchel for her things, and a matching collar, so once she got her cat-bell attached, the ensemble was complete. Nadia nodded in approval. Not what she was used to, but she liked it. Sporty, comfortable, fun, and didn’t obstruct any separation points. Plus, it was nice to change things up once in a long, long while. And everything fit! This really was a fantasy world. “Purr-etty darn good,” she grinned, although a part of her was just a tiny bit nervous, uncharacteristic as that was. [i]Hopefully I’m not the only one who likes it.[/i] Though eager to get going, she did not neglect the mystery letter she’d received. She cut it open, using a claw as a letter opener, and pulled the paper out to read it. [i]Dear accomplice of the illustrious Seekers of Light,[/i] she read. [i]On behalf of the city of Limsa Lominscuttle Town, I wish to thank you and yours for your heroic -and definitive- efforts to keep our city safe. As a show of our appreciation, I wish to extend you an invitation to my beautiful seaside estate for an all-day beach party. We have all manner of activities and diversions on offer, as well as full catering, with a barbeque lunch, a well-stocked bar, and a specialty dinner come evening. Without any crowds you can expect to relax and enjoy yourselves to your hearts’ content, so please stop by the southern shoreline district. Best regards, Kanzuki Karin.[/i] At the mere mention of barbequed meat, Nadia’s mouth was watering well before she finished reading. Without a word she bolted off. [hr] Nadia put all her dexterity and agility into getting out of Limsa Lominscuttle Town lickety-split. After using its web of bridges, ropes, and nets to parkour her way to ground level, she made her way to the southern bridge, and with the sea lapping at its foam-white stone bricks she jogged the whole length. That brought her to the upscale residential district at the southern part of the vast cove, where some of the wealthiest citizens and soldiers of the seafaring city lived. There both the sea and land grew more tropical, with flourishing palms, ferns, and flowers forming a lush jungle just outside the borders of the luxuriant homes of the community called Mist. According to the signposts sprinkled throughout, however, the feral’s destination lay even further beyond. She left the grasses terraces and assorted manors behind and followed the beach for a short ways, through a crowded [url=https://i.imgur.com/2jIsHGy.png]resort[/url] that thrummed with [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOrBATXpe2g&t=304s&ab_channel=YellowMotion]pretty good music[/url]. She passed by a [url=https://i.imgur.com/0SRb1by.png]cool dude[/url] riding a jetski, a [url=https://i.imgur.com/2HRGNEi.png]musclebound meathead[/url] sizzling seafood, a small gang of [url=https://i.imgur.com/j6bcE0t.png]apes[/url] building sand castles, and a [url=https://www.itl.cat/pngfile/big/176-1764691_you-are-logged-out-senran-kagura-peach-splash.jpg]bunch of girls[/url] engaged in water gun warfare. Though they made Nadia feel a little self-conscious, she also couldn’t help but double take at how weirdly homogenous they seemed. Her attention quickly shifted, however, to the loud-mouthed [url=https://i.imgur.com/jCLuL94.png]giant cyborg lady[/url] coaching the matches, who sounded very intoxicated. It wasn’t much farther until she left the bounds of the resort. To her left the jungle grew thicker, and on the right the water filled with colorful fish. Only then did she come to the Kanzuki Estate. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7BhuuDU.jpg[/img][/center] Though much smaller in scale than the resort that preceded it, the [url=https://i.imgur.com/gsus5L3.jpg]beachfront home[/url] was classier, with a more private and natural feeling. In the background, the music faded away to a pleasant ambiance just louder than the gentle roll of waves against the shore. On the other side of the surf lay a [url=https://i.imgur.com/Zo9oG4u.jpg]breathtaking view[/url], a dazzling expanse of shallow shoals filled with coral and sealife, pierced here and here by great white stakes whose angelic wings and halos moved rhythmically in the slight breeze. On that wind drifted the wonderful, tantalizing smell of cooked meat, telling the cat burglar that she’d arrived in time for lunch. There were only a couple people around, including an elegant-looking [url=https://i.imgur.com/2nVKNsS.png]lady[/url] reclining in the shade, and an [url=https://i.imgur.com/h0ZDf4q.png]enormous freeloader[/url] helping himself to the buffet. Nadia thought about pinching herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, only she was afraid she might wake up. “This must be what paradise looks like,” she said aloud, a little wary. Despite her misgivings, however, the letter in her bag told her that she belonged here, and that was good enough. Nadia took a deep breath, smiled from ear to ear, and went to get in line behind Birdie. [center][h3]The Chalk Prince, the Fallen Child, the Skeleton, and the Skullgirl[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Frozen Highlands - Snowdin Linkle’s [@Gentlemanvaultboy], Frisk’s [@Majoras End], Papyrus’ [@Dark Cloud][/center] Albedo gave Papyrus a curious glance as he made something of a show, announcing his hurt feelings to the whole room in a boisterous manner. Admittedly it would be a lifetime commitment for the alchemist to fully comprehend normal human emotion, let alone that of the living dead, but he couldn’t help but wonder nonetheless. It was true that Treat didn’t seem eager to accept the skeleton’s hospitality, but was the offer for his sake, or for hers? Albedo didn’t particularly like the thought that Papyrus did it just to seem magnanimous, though, so he tried a different angle. Did he feel put-out because he felt unwanted, maybe? That made sense to Albedo, but if his objective was to feel wanted by every stranger that crossed his path, he might be in for a bad time. Surely he didn’t think that Nia meant anything by her own offer, since she entered the room well after Papyrus laid out his. Meanwhile, Treat had realized in an instant that she’d inadvertently given Papyrus offense, and the wolfgirl withered in her seat. However, the development also served to convince her that maybe her gut feeling had been the right one, after all. Two sensitive people who didn’t fully understand how their actions affect others might make for awkward roommates. Linkle hid her disappointment far better, and urged Treat to give Nia and Dromarch a chance. Her support seemed to be the final push the wolfgirl needed. “W-well…okay.” She tried to put on a smile as she addressed Nia. “If you’re really willing, then…I’ll accept it. Thank you very much.” After a few moments Albedo’s train of thought came to a stop, his mental foray inconclusive. There were simply more pertinent matters to consider. One was Frisk’s confusion when presented with the objective of his and Linkle’s quest. To his chagrin the alchemist couldn’t provide any better detail about the internet he and his new friend sought; all he gleaned from Father Guerra was that it had the power to grant just the sort esoteric knowledge that could be crucial in their campaign against the Highlands’ infamous, indomitable bruiser. As Frisk and Papyrus prepared to depart, however, the child dropped a few important hints. “A computer,” he repeated thoughtfully. Someone or something with the power to compute–to manipulate numbers and equations. He would have figured this ‘computer’ to be a professional in the same vein as a clerk or magistrate, for whom the internet was a tool like an abacus or ledger, but Frisk made it sound like an object. A mystical object, possessed of all manner of inscriptions, as well as a screen. Perhaps like the device in the bar called Survive? Suffice to say, Frisk had Albedo’s interest. Maybe the kid would factor more into this story than the alchemist originally thought. Frisk and Papyrus’ departure, unfortunately, took all their secrets with them. While originally Albedo would have taken his leave as well, and proceeded with Linkle to their new destination, the realization that Frisk knew more than they let on called for a change of plans. Linkle seemed to be in no hurry either, so that settled it; for now, the duo would hang tight in Nia’s lodge. As Albedo nursed his cocoa, the Skullgirl dredged up some memories from a little while back, and with them in mind posed her host an odd question. As she asked it, Nia’s face quickly turned to one of astonishment. “Hah! That’s lush, that is! And you’ve met Tora?” The sheer coincidence of it all seemed to amaze her. “Yeah, I know the little guy. Figures outta everyone, it’d be ‘im…” Nia did not sound all that enthused about him in particular, almost as if she hoped it’d be someone else. “Still, it’s good to know he an’ Poppi are fine, and it means that everyone else must be too, out there somewhere.” Her eyes almost shone as she envisioned a different face, one she’d feared she’d never see again. “Don’t suppose you’ve met anyone named Rex? ‘Bout fifteen years old, brown hair, blue divin’ suit? Maybe with a red-haired girl named Pyra? O-or a blonde, Mythra?” Realizing that she’d leaned forward onto the table, she cleared her throat and straightened up. “Ahem! Not that I’m too worried, or anythin’. If anyone can ‘andle ‘emselves, it’s my friends. Just figured I’d ask, is all.”