hey yeah sure yknow what ill try it ill post mine first weeee look at me go still [i]gravely[/i] disappointed about all the male characters pitched in the old thread, you'd best shape up....... [hider=Dime] [color=aquamarine][CENTER][img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/488f5700-b9ec-4510-8924-d1d0aa4614e5.png [/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7e4a5f23-2cd3-4e09-97c4-738b6d2a50aa.png[/img] [color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]P E R S O N A L D E T A I L S[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] – Dime [i](DEE-may)[/i] Silesia [i](sih-LEEZ-ee-uh)[/i][/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - 13[/COLOR] [b]Gender[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Female[/COLOR] [b]Heritage[/b][COLOR=#807B84] – Originally from Valefor, she and her family ran a travelling bakery – villages and cities would gather round and enjoy cheap delicacy for a day or two each, every few months. Commoners, but well-off as commoners go. Well, no more of that for her, but it’s where she came from, and her family’s still at it.[/COLOR] [b]Magical Affinity[/b][COLOR=#807B84] – Fire-wind: Lightning[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]A Crackling[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Dime is attuned to lightning, with most of what that entails. She’s not angry as a baseline, and no one can say she lacks willpower, but she fits the rest to a T. Passion! Energy! Curiosity! Self-destructive idiocy! Paralyzing fear of maturity![/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Never at Rest[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Like lightning, Dime can never sit still until she she's grounded. Unlike lightning, she doesn't go looking for grounding. So, she can never sit still. Not mentally, not physically: she's everywhere at once. Like lightning.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Oh, is Something Wrong?[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Dime can notice other people. She might not always, or usually, or… basically you have to [i]tell her[/i] something’s wrong for her to get it, but if she picks up on someone in trouble or feeling bad, she’ll always want to help. Her wind-elemental selfishness presents this way: she [i]is[/i] empathic, she [i]does[/i] care, it's just tempered by the fact that she's bafflingly oblivious. Hey, it helps with her boy disguise.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// SKILLSET][indent][SUB][b]S K I L L S E T[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Lightning, Rod[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Dime can handle a spear - that’s a low bar. She can also zap things really good - often only as much as she means to.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Almost a Baker[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Dime can cook… like… a few things? Like, she can do good bread. Um. Sometimes she thinks she’s here because her parents lost their patience trying to teach her...[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Not Good at Very Much[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Dime is excellent at not ceasing to talk once she starts.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]I want to say “just the image,” but look at those clothes… look at those shoes… look at that silly hat. Okay, now stop looking at them. Look at the girl. Imagine her dressed like a page dresses. Now you’re getting there. Dime has relatively little trouble looking the more-or-less masculine, or at least androgynous part, for now. Her body is enabling. Her face is not quite a boy’s face, but hey, that can happen to anyone. Her looks, together with her boyish personality, do her good, because beyond the usual crossdressers' habits - a little binding, a pitched-down voice, don't undress around the others - she seldom remembers that she’s supposed to try. With all that said, it's possible the order has already seen through her, and just doesn't care enough to miss out on a passionate and magically-gifted candidate over it, so long as she keeps the secret from peers and the public. Or maybe she's a charity case. Or... she really does have them fooled? [/indent][/color] [b]Character Conceptualization[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Dime isn’t really sure why she’s here. Well, it’s because her parents pushed her into it, but like… you know… why? I mean, yeah, she was pretty clearly gifted with the whole, lightning thing. And, okay, so maybe that isn’t applicable when you’re just supposed to grow up and bake for a living. And – well – “It’s great that your son has the legacy in check, but does your daughter do anything?” Yeah, that one was embarrassing. Mmmm… maybe that’s why she’s here. Her parents love her and all, but at some point they must’ve decided that this was what’s best for her. There's no sign that she's going to slow down - flunking into the existence of a housewife would have been... bad. [sup]Also because these knight guys do a truly awful job at filtering out the girls – if [i]she[/i] can fool them…[/sup][/indent][/color] [b]Other Information[/b] [color=#807B84][indent] Don’t tell her I told you, but she’s kind of a clown. She’s very liable to bumble into trouble. Sometimes she might even do it on purpose, just for an audience. You have my full permission to rampantly mispronounce her name. [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] [withdrawn]