Reality in a JPRG Fantasy universe? We're here to [i]escape[/i] reality, damn it. :lol On related note regarding said GMPC, by some pure cosmic coincidence and/or perhaps Lady Fate had a twisted sense of humor, Julian Baker's concept [i]and[/i] looks are pretty much identical to the PC I'm working on. You see [url=]this[/url] and try telling to my face that they don't look identical, sans clothes sure, but people have more than one clothes. And I'm certainly not going to spoil Fey's fun by applying an identical twin from another mother, so unless I come up with something new, take my current stance as amicably withdrawing my interest. I will inform you should my muse take me somewhere, but don't hold your breath for me. Don't worry, I'm not even mad, it's an amazing freak coincidence. :lol