[quote=@Izurich] [@Feyblue] You know, after a workout session and a good refreshing shower, one of those "so crazy, it just might work" ideas came to me. What about we double down on this cosmic coincidence and make our PCs [i]actually[/i] twins? They both agreed that gender roles are a whole load of BS and pulled this scheme together to attend the academy as the "Baker Twins". To add spice to the formula, I think my PC will be an Absolute, so they might be physically identical, but their magical affinities are direct opposites. I think based on what I've read about Julian, we can have sort of a "sibling jealousy" dynamic with Julian seeing [Insert Twin Name] as basically herself, but better in every way (which is not true, of course, but teenage drama and all that). I'm just spitballing wild ideas here, none of these is set in stone, let me know what you think. [/quote] This [i]does[/i] sound like a fun ride, and I could definitely see Julian getting that sort of inferiority complex in that kind of situation, but unfortunately I'm not sure if I can make it work with Julian's whole secret backstory and reason for becoming a knight. I've got some secret family drama for her down the line and other stuff I'm sitting on, which would make her having a twin kind of difficult to pull off. Though, I do very much like the idea of having an Absolute character to serve as a foil to miss magic-less over here, so... hmm. Honestly, we could maybe just have them coincidentally be lookalikes and try to take advantage of it by claiming to be family? Not sure... On another humorous note, I also just realized that [i]even our profile pictures look similar[/i] -- straight bangs, long silver hair, yellow eyes. Talk about a wacky coincidence. XD