[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mkFbcLS.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/c5i0HyX.png[/img][/center][sub][color=silver]T I M E :[/color] M O R N I N G [color=silver]L O C A T I O N :[/color] M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A [color=silver]I N T E R A C T I O N S :[/color] C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K T A G S : [@Princess], [@Alivefalling], [@FunnyGuy], [@Helo] [color=silver]E Q U I P M E N T :[/color] W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T , B A T H I N G S U I T [/sub] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DkWjPqa.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0hgKymt.png[/img][/center] [color=silver][color=white]"I...[/color] Aurora blushed. This was a like outcome of the situation. She was not too naive for this possibility to surprise her. The uncertainty that she dealt with was the integrity and control of Slick. She had a difficult time convincing him not to go gamble in the immediate moments, but Princess Rosaria would never have left them under her supervision if something erroneous were to happen. [color=white]"I thank you very much,"[/color] she spoke as she made a small bow of her head to Caelan and Slick. There were tons of auras dancing about and reflecting with the water's surface. She could hear the waterfall pounding and splashing against into itself. She felt more afraid near the water than she had previously thought she would be, and with her nerves trying to stay sill, she admitted aloud, for the second time, as if trying to clarify a point now to Caelan and Sophie, [color=white]"I thought it would be good for all of us to stay together..."[/color] She made her best effort to appear as if she had eyes. Her had turned to the respective lights shining within each creature's souls. She wanted to acknowledge them like this, to emphasize her serious and personal matter. Aurora drew in a small breath before continuing,[color=white]"And, why should I let you have the fun without me?"[/color] A humble laugh escaped her, surprising herself and catching her off gaurd that she almost forgot what she was going to say, [color=white]"...After we swim, Slick and I thought it would be fun to take you all to the gambles."[/color] Principally, she was against gambling. She could go so far as it say that her father had mentioned a time when Spiritual Advisors were canonized against gambling, which he said he preferred. However, in modern times, the laws has loosened for good favor. It was said to spoil the soul; and a Spiritual Advisor should have a clean soul; for it was through a clean soul that an Advisor could help clear the path for another soul. Carefully, she approached the pool and dipped the tips of her toes into the water. Watching and supervising gambling ought to be different than actually engaging in it. Even if the guilt might still be present... Besides, she was still getting used to being in a swimsuit. The coolness of the air was much to luxurious and frightening for her to loosen her purse strings at their next location. [color=white]"The water feels so beautiful,"[/color] she finally admitted to no one, feeling solemn sense of loss and discovery all at once. She felt that she had made a mistake in order to keep them together, and she wondered how long the situation would precipitate itself.[/color]