[centre] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400350117485608964/942149697584390264/download1-removebg-preview.png[/img] [/centre] Why, that pompous, arrogant..! Cambiel raised his bow, fully prepared to put an arrow through this serial-killer-looking blasphemer, when he was distracted by the sound of a dozen horses tramping towards them. He knew which side they were on even before he turned around to see them. He fired off arrow after arrow, aiming for the horses, hoping that by tripping them over, he might be able to slow down the unending charge, but there were just too many. If it was just him, he could have just flown away. Maybe he should have – Skarsneek was a monster, after all. They were enemies. If he saved him now, that was just one more soldier for the Demon Lord's army he would have to fight later. But he couldn't. He [i]wouldn't[/i]. The goblin deserved better than to be hacked to pieces like this. Skarsneek took a particularly nasty blow, one that surely would have killed him if he had been a human, and Cambiel couldn't wait any more. He needed to adopt a strategy he would rather not, given the option. Direct contact. To save a monster. If his sisters could see him now… But he never got the chance to enact his plan. Before he could even make a move, a feminine voice cried out to them, a single order: get down. Skarsneek obeyed. Cambiel did too. The voice didn't sound like it was going to wait for them.