[@Kiragan_Natsuki] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Magdalene “Maggie” Harwood[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://artignition.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Livia-Prima-Cyberpunk-Girl-Drawing.jpg[/img] Maggie froze for a moment watching the two policewomen pointing guns at her. It is not uncommon for police to be pointing guns in her direction. But usually, they were not so close that she could smell the lead from the barrel. “There’s four of us and two of you, and we got the heavy fire to turn you into a paste.” The blonde-haired merc spoke up with a confident grin. “If you wanna get turned into swiss cheese, by all means keep running your mouth,” Lilith spoke up while rolling her eyes. Maggie meanwhile was silent, using her netdeck to save the information about E13 in her cybernetic brain. Slowly putting down her deck on the floor, slowly raising her hands behind her head. The level-headed merc did the same, knowing that he could escape easier from jail than in a coffin. “Just put your hands up kiddo, don’t wanna see the reaper do ya?” This and having the two police officers pointing their guns at him, was enough for him to surrender. Maggie waited for the policewomen to put the cuffs on her, she knew as well that she would be able to beat this and walk free. She had enough eddies to bribe the commissioner and to also help Lilith walk. As she was being escorted to the police car with Lilith, Maggie leaned her over towards her. “[color=f7941d]Alice has taken the red pill, her mind is expanding.[/color]” Whispering to her while being shoved into the cruiser. This was code in the hacker world for someone who has information in their cybernetic brain. Lilith nodded her head, the plan was if the group walked free they were going to give the information to their employer. Or at the very least just herself and one of the mercs. She hoped that the older and wiser merc would be able to get out of this without being behind bars.