[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y6tEFKV.png[/img] [hider=❄]22 | Female | Freelancers | Meltwater Spring Moya-no-Yume | Dagger | Physical | Frosted Sheen Snowdrop Vestige | Sangfroid Convention Glacial Stream | Aqua | Rime Rose [Freeze, Slick] Damage X, Restrain, Extend, Construction, Trap, Enhance, Mark, Blink, Powerful DAMAGE: D | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: E | 750 [Bronze Touch + Mark + Blink] = 40 MP PHYSICAL: E| ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | 78[/hider][sub][@BrokenPromise][@Majoras End][@OwO][@mantou][/sub][/center] The barrel swung in her direction, and Klava’s blade swung even faster, knocking it off course. Apollo’s flashbang was simply icing in the cake, blinding the sniper just in time for her to take the one step needed to fully neutralize a long gun and slice open their throat. In that moment, it didn’t particularly matter what the long-term consequences were of killing a GEMINI agent. The [i]short-term[/i] consequences, taught over and over again by her encounters with the enemy, was that this plain-faced bitch had no qualms with shooting first and shooting lethally, so there was no reason to hesitate in doing the same. Fair play and all. She could handle that ashen knight afterwards. But, in the moment before Moya-no-Yume could accelerate and deliver a fatal blow, Apollo and Breacher started a shouting match instead…which compounded in a familiar face and an unfamiliar face emerging, alongside a very friendly helmet-face…which lead to Gunther’s emergence, the statue’s destruction, and a half ton of shitfuckery happening all at once, climaxing in Fable’s little freakout. Klava turned her head slightly in the direction of the drama, then smirked at the sniper, withdrawing her dagger in one smooth flourish. [color=6ecff6][b]“See? Not so hard to use your words, neh?”[/b][/color] Undoubtedly, there was still a big chunk of her that wanted to stab the absolute crap out of sniper-chick, but Klava was a [i]professional[/i], not an opportunist. Though there probably wasn’t going to be any point in working with GEMINI anytime soon, least until [i]this[/i] squad of trigger-happy bonobos got themselves killed. She took a step back anyways, and took another step back to avoid the cleaving swing of the now-animate statues. The adrenaline was beginning to ebb now, and the numbness of her left arm transformed into a throbbing pain instead. Wasn’t going to be using that in a hot minute, was she? What a real festival this now was. Moya-no-Yume danced a defensive dance now, Klava moving to her right as she avoided the clumsy swings of the animate statues. Three at once was tough, but the knights had given her enough breathing room while they were swiping at those who flat-out ran away, and she made it to the armoire just in time to yank one of the doors open and catch a knight’s sword in it, entangling both. At the same time, her melody crystallized, a magical mark sinking into the tiles. Nothing useful for the time being, but certainly useful for the time coming. [color=6ecff6][b]“Hold down the furniture and kill him with magic, fast! The objects are just being controlled, so attacking them means nothing!”[/b][/color] And if Betty didn't come bursting out of the woodwork while screaming like an absolute lunatic, that would be lovely too.