[center][h2]Cap’n Bein’ Cap’n - Greenleaf Day 3 Afternoon[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eqR8sTf.jpg[/img][/center] JP/Collab from [@wanderingwolf] and [@sail3695] Cal made his way up the rungs of his quarters to the main gangway still feeling perturbed. But, there was business to be conducted, and with the clipboard under arm, the Captain made his way to the bridge to take readings and check shore power. When he met the gauge for shore power whining away under constant load, he tapped it a time or two to confirm the reading. "Well I'll be; the jitter's gone." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Sam's voice echoed from the com, "You'll find a few improvements aboard, Cal. Your crew has been hard at work." "'Improvements?' Since when could Hook or Abigail rewire a thing? Don't tell me Rex..." A grim expression crossed Cal's face. "Don't worry, Abigail's hands did all the work." There was a cheer in Sam's voice, as if she were holding back. "Am I goin' to have to start payin' her more? Wait, just her hands?" His brow knit as he cottoned there was more to the story than she let on. The com was silent for a moment as Cal continued, "Intergalactic woman's day comes along and I can't get a straight answer from not one of 'em." The Captain turned toward the aft of the ship and disappeared through the passage toward the Galley. "Abigail!" The sound of all conversation in the galley came to an abrupt halt. “Cap’n?” Abby leaned ‘round the corner. She’s in coveralls, holdin’ a bottle ‘o’ Cap’n Bob’s Cola as she eyed Cal pacin’ tha corridor. “Need somethin’?” "Yes'm I do, Travis [i]shao jeh[/i]. Now, what's goin' on with shore power all a-sudden workin' right--" he held a hand up to quiet her, "and don't mistake my tone or volume for me [i]not[/i] bein' pleased, though I am a might tetchy on account of I like to know what's goin' on with my boat [i]before[/i] it happens." He squared up to the Deck, crossing his arms while awaiting her reply. They’s somethin’ here she’s missin’ tah be sure. Abby looked up inta the Cap’n’s face all uncomprehendin’ like. Fer a tick she pondered tryna be careful with her words, but hell, what words was gon’ be tha right ones, anyway? “Uh,” she near stammered, “we fixed it?” From calculating eyes, Captain Strand let his gaze fall over her companion: the man they'd pulled from the roaring ocean--Yuri was his given name, if he remembered proper. He took in her coveralls smeared with grease, the streaks on her face and hands, and the lack thereof on him what was seated beside her. So that's what Sam meant by 'Abigail's hands did all the work.' "This the 'we' you mean? You and this fella?" Strand uncrossed his arms, placing the clipboard on the galley table. He rested his palm there, too, meeting Yuri's eye. Yuri offered a solemn nod as Abby answered the question. “Yessir,” her eyes was cautious as she spoke. “Yuri here done the lookin’ an’ thinkin, an’ I turned wrenches. Turned out tah be jest a loose term-in-a-shun on our transformer. Did yew know,” she started gettin’ excited, “they’s a thing call oss…..oss..” “Oscillation,” Yuri gave her a fond smile. “Yeah, what he said,” Abby looked from one t’other. “Once yah know tha frequency of a thing, yah can durned near pick tha date tah check yer connect…” Cal's brow rose slightly as he watched the two back and forth. Seemed he got along well with Abby, and that was an indicator for certain. As his first gut feeling proved true on the kid, he reckoned it might extend to her sussing as well. The talk of transformers and oscillation, even from the kid's mouth, got his brain pan to working on this Yuri fellow. "Sounds like you know your boats." Strand said, interrupting Abby's waxing mirth on all things oscillation. "Was it your idea to go messin'?" “I know systems pretty well, sir,” the young man answered. “We were talking about the power flicker, and I conjured it to be something simple. Told Abby I’d be happy to look things over…yes,” he cut himself off. “I guess it was my idea.” The Captain stroked his chin for a moment before replying, "Uh-huh. Let's you and I have a chat in the engine bay; just you," he added, with a glance at Abby. Straightening, Cal scooted the clipboard in front of the deckhand, which had updated figures and signatures in all the right places, along with instructions for their last day on Greenleaf. "I conjure you know the way," he said, gesturing for Yuri to lead. Yuri left the half empty soda on the table as he rose to make his quiet way aft toward the engine room. All the way, the strike of the much larger man’s bootheels from behind told that he might’ve done some overstepping. Abby watched tha pair of ‘em go. Fer tha life ‘o’ her, sometimes she couldn’t read twixt tha Cap’n’s lines. One thing she did conjure was when he pushed tha clipboard her way, she’d do well tah study it. After cleanin’ up tha soda bottles, she carried it below tah her quarters. [i]Mebbe he’n tha doc didn’t have quite so good a time’s we all supposed?[/i] she wondered as she bounced down the stairs.