Location: Airedale Mid-morning Airedale Fields [hr] [@A Lowly Wretch][@Guy0fV4lor][@Pyromania99] [hr] [color=aba000]"...mhm, good. They suffered a crushing defeat here, Luna. They know our strength and will have time to rethink their spared life."[/color] The Queen responded to the knight, eyes studying her carefully though whatever was on her mind would quickly be turned to Fio as the young mage approached the scene of battle as the rest of the Knights dispersed to their various duties... Reinhardt would be the first to arrive back in town, greeted by Vyrell as he'd pass by the gates. The slender youth would greet him with a usual friendly, if somewhat stern smile. "Reinhardt. Good work out there. I'm continually impressed by your physical ability." He'd say with a chuckle, walking with the man back towards the keep. "If nothing else, I'm sure you could have fought that beast single handedly." Thankfully it seemed like most of the townspeople were quickly resuming their lives and routine as the sun had made its way over the sky, and many of the townsfolk were quick to thank the knights, and the Militia were quickly readying to start forming a few patrols around the town to make sure there weren't any stragglers. "I don't suppose you've heard from Lady Elnith?" Vyrell asked as they'd reach the keep, stopping on the steps to the main door. "She's been out on a request from the Queen for over a fortnight now and we've not heard so much of a grumble out of her." That was...odd. It wasn't unusual for Elnith to disappear a few days at a time, but to be gone so long and to also not write or something was perhaps, a bit concerning. [hr] [@Crimson Paladin] [hr] "Ok. Got it. Ethelred can fight fifty bandits on his own." Lugh replied quickly, bouncing once before running off back to the city. As brief as the youth ever was, it seemed, and just as fanciful it seemed. There definitely hadn't been just fifty bandits but no doubt the boy was going to run off and tell them he had in fact, fought fifty bandits or the equivalent of it. He would be gone by the time Ethelred dealt the death blow to the bandit, thus ending his life. Cold, and terrified. Not an unusual fate, all things considered for those who braved the wilderness and such a rough life carelessly. The man only struggled briefly, before dying. No doubt the queen would at least see to giving them some form of burial, or rite of passing as undeserving as they were. On his way back to the town, he'd notice the Queen and Fio heading away from the village...right alongside a massive blue and white furred mammoth, with a trunk that seemed like it was missing a good chunk of it but also was seemingly starting to form a large sickle of ice on the end of it. He'd just barely see Reinhardt and Vyrell heading back into the village proper, though what they were discussing was to hard to tell from this far out...what he did see though, was not something good at all. Nearby one of the villages walls, Ethelred would just barely make out a [url=https://i.imgur.com/JMkFLix.jpg]A small, diminutive humanoid with gold wings[/url] flit over it, near one of the watch towers. Didn't seem like anyone else had noticed it yet, though it didn't seem like it was honestly trying very hard to go unseen.Well...that couldn't have been anything good. A fairy? No doubt if it was here it was likely trying to get up to no good. [hr] [@VitaVitaAR] [hr] [color=aba000]"Ah, Fio! Ahaha, good work restraining this beast."[/color] She'd offer the mage a smile and friendly chuckle as the mage walked over. [color=aba000]"Kind of disappointed I didn't get to go toe-to-toe with it myself...but alas, I doubt this peaceable beast would ever seek fighting on its own."[/color] Her expression turned to a sigh as she'd reach out and place a hand on one of its tusks. [color=aba000]"Tch...can't believe that boy. Whoever raised him was far too lenient...Alright, on your feet big girl. I'm sure your not that out of it. Lift the restraints Fio."[/color] Sorcha would say to the beast. Assuming Fio's restraints would be lifted as asked, she would remove her hand from the beasts tusks, who would then proceed to slowly get to its feet. A few startled gasps and shouts came from the Militia that had started to filter out to secure the surrounding area, but the Queen paid them no heed. [color=aba000]"Coming along then?"[/color] She'd ask, starting to walk, grabbing one of 'Shabbis' tusks again and starting to walk. The beast, surprisingly seemed to follow without too much fuss on its part. [color=aba000]"If you wanted some alone time you can always join me in my room at night."[/color] The queen said with a quiet, teasing laugh.