[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ExqaxKp.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SoGz6zs.png[/img][/center] [color=818ED1]Time:[/color] Morning [color=818ED1]Location:[/color] Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival [color=818ED1]Interactions:[/color] Caelan [@Alivefalling] Aurora[@Mole] Slick[@FunnyGuy] [color=818ED1]Equipment:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/ArFkoIJ.png]Clothing[/url],[url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/H3bd15c4140a346d9a36628f15ba9b0b8h/Kawaii-Girl-Harajuku-Backpack-Badge-Fashion-Book-Ladies-School-Bag-Women-Waterproof-Nylon-Backpack-Cute-Student.jpg]Backpack[/url], Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, a PBJ sandwich, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CV8audq.png[/img][/center] Slick's voice reached them and Sophie couldn't help waving excitedly over to him and Aurora, who she noted were now in bathing suits too. She hadn't expected them to join since they had not seemed eager earlier. [color=818ED1]"Hi cowboy! You two are joining us? I'm so happy~"[/color] She giggled drunkenly before setting her eyes on Aurora as Slick mentioned her. She nearly gasped. She hadn't thought that Aurora could get any cuter but she had done so. Sophie called back to them, [color=818ED1]"Aurora looks so beautiful!"[/color] She moved to the edge of the pool to lean on it and listen as Aurora spoke, the sound of the waterfall filling the background,[color=818ED1]"Oh that would be fun. I am a little worried to gamble the little money I have but why not."[/color] Who knew fantasy creatures liked to gamble too? It was strange there were so many similarities between this world and Earth. Aurora soon joined them in the pool, moving about in that graceful manner she always did; Sophie was sure Slick was to follow. It was going to be nice to talk to Slick and Aurora. She hadn't gotten to speak to Aurora much on their journey here and Slick was intriguing for obvious reasons. And of course, talking to Caelan was always pleasant as he was a sweet guy. Sophie wanted to get to know them all, but she was normally too nervous to speak her thoughts out loud. Whatever she had drank made her feel as if the words tumbled out before she could even process them.