[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Lewascan2][@Sigil] With the intent of keeping things moving forward, it will be assumed that whichever choice the group makes concerning the wagon will simply be carried out without need for another post. Likewise, the business with the animals in stabling will be handled by Cecily, off scene. One will have access to the mule during business hours of the stable, barring more clandestine actions. Same for the wagon if it is kept there instead of the hayloft. Cecily and Lizbeth will be around if any more questions need to be asked or the like, as the stabling is going to be a quick affair, before leaving again to bury their dead before nightfall. We have hit the point where progress continues at the direction of the party, and how they wish to proceed with the information and leads given. Game time, it is late afternoon, and while businesses are not closing down for the day, most hours of operation for crafts or merchant goods are in the home stretch.