[center][h1][b][color=DAF6C7]Ríoghnach "Riona"[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Riona surprised herself every year by forgetting how much she detested these annual gatherings. The preparations began months before the event, but as the special day drew nearer, the servants became busier. In addition to their regular responsibilities, the party's preparations had to be flawless. No, better than flawless. Anything less would be seen as an affront to the royal family. Even if the lack of perfection was due to last-minute alterations ordered by the King himself, his servants were still to blame for failing him. So, they all did what they could. Every demand was met, no matter how ridiculous, dangerous, or unreasonable it was. They did what they could. Even if someone was seriously injured or fell ill because of lack of sleep or overworking. They did what they could because the King didn’t make it a habit to keep useless tools. As much as months of preparation chipped away at their wellbeing, what Riona hated the most was having to look after the guests. Fortunately for her, she was usually assigned to clean up after guests rather than directly serve them. And my, what a mess they can make. Nobles have complained about commoners being no better than animals, but even Riona has seen pigs that made less of a mess than some of these lot, especially when alcohol and drugs got involved. Riona had a sneaking suspicion that the nobles genuinely believed that they were incapable of making messes. Why would they? As far as they could tell, as soon as they made a mess, it’s magically disappeared within seconds! The servants were invisible in that way. Never noticed until they get in the way of someone. There were more servants in the ballroom than gusts, but many of them were hidden in the shadows of the pillars or tucked away in the quiet nooks of the vast space. Alert and ready. Well, Riona thought she was until the guests from Alidasht arrived. She couldn't stop gawking at the grand parade that was taking place indoors. She would have thought the King had ordered a circus as entertainment if she didn't know better. Someone even clapped at the spectacle. As the parade moved along, the flower petals fluttered to the ground. Feet and paws trampled them, smushing them into the polished floor. Riona grimaced before turning to another servant who was also on cleaning duty. They made eye contact. Without making any other gestures, Riona directed her college's sight to the flower petals on the floor and then to the animals by looking at them herself. When she looked back at the other servant, she saw the moue on their face. Cleaning smashed flowers from the floor was one thing, potential animal excreta was a whole other matter entirely. Riona prayed that the animals were housebroken, but she couldn't take any chances. Her colleague turned to face her, and once their eyes were locked again, they shook their head, then pointed their chin at her and then the animals in quick succession. Riona glared in response before mimicking the gesture back. This silent exchange lasted until her colleague mouthed the words “please,” followed by what Riona assumed was an attempt at puppy dog eyes. She huffed. [color=DAF6C7][i]YOU[/i][/color], she pointed at them. [color=DAF6C7][i]OWE[/i][/color]. The finger changed directions to point at herself, [color=DAF6C7][i]ME[/i][/color]. The other servant gave an earnest nod. As they slinked off to fetch extra cleaning supplies in case the animals couldn’t resist the call of nature, Riona walked over to the petals on the floor, broom and dustpan in hand. She swept up the petals as fast and quietly as she could, being careful to not bump into anyone or look them in the eyes. The last thing she needed was for one of the guests to think she was challenging their authority by daring to stare directly at them. She was cautious, but she was only human after all. Mistakes happened. Her focused cleaning and deft dodging skills lead her to back up towards the ballroom entrance. It wasn’t that she was blind to its existence; rather, she assumed that everyone important enough to go through those specific doors was already enjoying the party. When the ballroom was in use, Servants had to use the "hidden" doors that were made to look like they were part of the walls. No one wanted to see servants hauling out the trash so blatantly when everything around them was so pretty. She heard nothing. Well, no, technically she heard a lot of noises coming from all directions. What she didn’t hear was the doors opening. She startled herself when the heel of her foot landed on something far too soft to be part of the door. She froze in place when she felt the thing move away from her weight. [color=DAF6C7][i]Sh*t.[/i][/color] Riona spun around and even before she saw who she stepped on, her head was bowed low as she could go, [color=DAF6C7]"I am terribly sorry. Have I hurt you?"[/color] She saw the expensive-looking dress shoes and the end of equally expensive-looking pants. She could feel the temperature drop. [color=DAF6C7][i]F**k. Sh*t. F**k F**k.[/i][/color] [color=DAF6C7]"... Sire."[/color] [color=9354FF]"Oh! No, no! The fault is entirely mine. I apologize, I should have been looking where I was going."[/color] The voice above her sounded chipper, with no hint of anger. [color=9354FF]"I was distracted by this castle’s beauty. It has so much history… and is in such pristine shape! I suspect I have you and the other staff to thank?"[/color] Riona dared not look up, but the muscles in her body relaxed. [color=DAF6C7]"You honor us with your kind words."[/color] Keeping her head bowed, she glided to the side. [color=DAF6C7]"Please, enjoy everything Caesonia has to offer."[/color] The man thanked her, but lingered a little longer than Riona had anticipated. She took a chance to move her gaze upward. Two others in respectable, but plainer attire, stood behind the man. Most likely his servants. They appeared to be equally unfazed by the accident as their master was. Which was probably the only reason why a maid stepping on a nobleman’s foot wasn’t garnering more attention. The three exchanged hushed words, before the servants left as silently as they came in. Riona quickly collected the remaining petals around the entrance after she watched the man walk straight towards the throne where King Edin and Queen Alibeth sat. She couldn't afford to have another incident like that happening tonight.