Valeryia was glad she arrived when she did, that cavalry was quite aggressive. They seemed very determined to break her barrier once it was up. Though maybe it was them being upset they were denied killing the group? Didn't matter now though, they had found relative safety here. And weren't pursued either, though that was unsettling as it didn't make much sense to her. Still though, she rested for a bit before going around camp to patches of flora that caught her eye. That was the first order of business as she'd not pass up any opportunity to find something unique. Next would be meeting everyone, and at the same time being nosey with the men she initially assumed to be human. She could tell now that they instead were Yokai. And at first all was going well enough. As so far, she'd found no flora that was really unique. But it still interested her nonetheless. Being able to document what grew here would still be fun. Then it took a turn for the worse when she was run into by the man who had been yelling earlier, the same man she'd ignored earlier assuming he'd just keep yelling from in front of his tent. What a wrong assumption to make. Now she was face down on the ground as she was bent over a bit when the man crashed into her. Along with the fact that she was not at all expecting to be run into. So could not brace her fall in any meaningful way. But in this somewhat compromising position, she could still hear him yelling and threatening a fight, so Valeryia did the only thing she could. Rolled onto her ass and faced the man brandishing his sword, spreading her wings a bit in readiness for whatever he decided to do next. Though after a bit, the group managed to calm him down enough to make him lower his sword. And also seemed more focused on the group than her as she'd initially thought. Causing her to become a bit more relaxed and start getting back onto her feet, which was a bit of a process for her. Easily could've taken flight from her position to get back on her feet. But not only would that kick up dust and small debris that could annoy the group as a whole, but also possibly agitate the already upset swordsman as he might see her taking flight as a threat. [@FrogRFlowR][@Rezod92] She did join the conversation as she struggled to stand up again. "The hornet has a point. Trying what you did on an island native isn't going to help." She quipped, having watched how she approached and attempted to deescalate the situation with seduction. It was somewhat comical.