[center][h3][color=rosybrown][b]Xavier[/b][/color][/h3] [color=silver] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466021461174386714/942951469118787624/11.png[/img] [color=rosybrown]Time:[/color] Morning [color=rosybrown]Location:[/color] Avian City [color=rosybrown]Interactions:[/color] [@helo] Orias, [@CitrusArms] Aiko, [@princess] Yuka, [@FunnyGuy] Caelestis [color=rosybrown][b]Xavier’s Equipment[/b][/color]: His [url=i.imgur.com/WsU5ZHY.png]sword[/url], and [/color][url=i.imgur.com/tz9UEop.png]outfit[/url][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/6L52-2xIZIsrIESL39qiEEJVpVGbv0FfkFKfSXoV870/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610970766162395360/5844379da6515b1e0ad75b62.png?width=500&height=45[/img][/center] [color=silver]Xavier had been trying to focus on the meeting, yet Yuka was wild and unpredictable. He stiffened when he felt arms wrap around him and her voice in his ears. Being leaned back by her was uncomfortable and he wasn’t in control which frustrated him. Why was she surprised he’d protected her? Did this girl never know chivalry? Before he could reply, he was assaulted by tickles from behind and he yelped in surprise. What was she doing! Did she not understand the seriousness of their situation? They were on a land in the [i]sky[/i] and he knew nothing about this world! Xavier felt sparks rise around him unlike anything he’d felt in his life. He looked down at his hands to see wisps of silver gleaming around them. [color=rosybrown][i]What was this[/i][/color], he wondered? Through the chaos, he barely heard these strange creatures conversing. The sun stopped shining over him but he did not look up to see why they had been cast into shadows. All he knew was he wanted to get back down to the ground [i]now[/i]. Still, he had a duty to this crazy woman. He knew in their home she’d likely be cast out which only upset him. He wasn’t sure why she acted this way and knew there would be a good reason. All he needed was patien…. As he started to reflect on this thought, Yuka spoke and it was the last straw. She was calling their weapons, their means of protection, junk? She wanted them to surrender their weapons? What did that word [i]junk[/i] mean? Xavier felt heat rise in his face and eyes. The sword had been a gift from his father that would have been presented to princess Jessamine and King Viktor as a gift. The sword had been used in the last war he’d been in and was the prize of their victory. Also, how would he defend himself from these winged beings? He burst free from Yuka’s grip finally but as he did, lightning flashed from his body towards her. He felt the power burst from him and turned in bewilderment to watch it strike her. The energy cracked around him as the silver wisps returned around his hands. [color=rosybrown]”What on earth was that!”[/color] He cried as it cracked around him and panic rose in his eyes. [color=rosybrown]”Are you okay? I’m so sorry… I don’t know what happened.”[/color] His heart sank. He’d hurt an innocent but crazy woman and now it was his debt to repay her. Xavier turned to eye the rest of their party with wide eyes. [/color]