[@Rune_Alchemist] [hider=A Cute Moth Girl With a Cat Mom] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ytby5aO.png[/img][/center] [color=tomato]Name[/color]: Nylah [color=tomato]Gender[/color]: Female [color=tomato]Race[/color]: Mothraki [color=tomato]Appearance[/color]: [url=https://i.imgur.com/ytby5aO.png]https://i.imgur.com/ytby5aO.png[/url] [hider=Bio] Nylah was born into the world to Mothraki parents, likely even given a Mothraki-esque name, but would never come to learn the ways of her people all the same. Orphaned a few days after her birth due to a Bastelian raid, it was only the actions of the same veteran Bastelian warrior who slew her biological parents that she managed to frankly even survive the event. After this event, she was taken far, far away and eventually settled down in the human village of Dawn alongside her new caretaker and parental figure. Quite the story to behold, though to her things have been far simpler than that. To her, she has always known the Bastelian who raised her as her ‘mother’ and that was ultimately that. It was a strange childhood where she never knew a single individual of her own species, a strange roadside attraction to locals who happened to live among them with a member of another species who initially made them nervous. At times her mother would be out to get something simple from within the village, or bring something to someone, or simple little tasks that were usually kept brief. They earned their fair share of stares, among other minute issues or situations that arose from time to time in those first years in Dawn, but her mother always pushed her to not lash out. In her mother’s words at the time: “We cannot afford to.” At the same time, however, her mother would seek to drill skills into her in the long-run that would be of use to her in the future. How to fight using a spear, watching as she practiced magic and giving her what tips she could, and teaching her other general tips and tricks and techniques for survival. She was not allowed too far away from home at first, especially after one a small number of incidents where a small group of the local human children bullied her, though as a small child she did try to sneak away sometimes to see more of the world around her. It began as a simple thing, both a challenge as well as a time to be punished for breaking the house rules, but almost became a game for herself and her mother by the time she grew up somewhat. Indeed, in time things would generally get better. Things would become progressively better as they became normal to see around the village, as her mother took part in the hunting of food for and helping in the guarding of the village, and their presences became less and less of a standout thing and more just a simple fact of life. Nylah would seek to prepare herself as well for the road of adulthood ahead, starting to learn skills underneath the mundane healer of the village, alongside all her mother did to try to prepare her and teach her about the world and living within it. But as part of this…her mother would eventually pull her aside and tell her the truth of their situation. A cruel truth of the world that, in reality, the one who had raised and loved her and still did was the one who had made her an orphan and stripped her from her people and land of birth. In response, however, she simply hugged her mother. …Six hours later, after this revelation had been given to her, The Elder Beast of Rime would pass through Dawn. And once more, though now far older and more aware, she would almost lose everything once again. [/hider] [color=tomato]Goals[/color]: To become a powerful magic user and healer, a heroine capable of protecting what and whom she values most as well as helping those in need. Naive? A bit. But her goal is basically to become a great heroine. [hider=Skills] -[color=tomato]{Enthralling Dust}[/color] (Racial): Mothraki produce a potent pollen like dust upon their wings. Merely by existing they spread this where they go, though it's mostly harmless if not inhaled in large quantities. Causes hallucinations and dulls one's senses. As one may expect, people tend to frown upon this sort of thing. -[color=tomato]{Journeyman Light Magic}[/color]: A magic encompassing pure light and illumination, ranging from harmless orbs to light up one’s path all the way up to rays/beams of light as attacks to even light barriers and other light constructs such as swords and spears and shields and so forth. A versatile magic that does not call upon the fire of the sun, but does have its myriad uses and capabilities. -[color=tomato]{Novice Herbalist}[/color]: Non-magical practices of a healer, ranging from identifying or figuring out the use of new herbs and recognizing familiar ones, to making things like certain poultices and healing-based alchemy/potion-making, to how to handle wounds/injuries and such using these things. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] -[color=tomato]{Herbalist's Bag}[/color]: A simple leather bag with a well-built shoulder strap, that is filled with a good number of many types of herbs, a good amount of bandages, and finally tools to make tonics, poultices, and potions alongside a scare few pre-prepared ones that are within the bag itself. She usually wears it around most of the time. -[color=tomato]{Small Knife}[/color]: A gift from her mother, made with a smoothed-out bone handle and treated with certain oils, mainly used to help cut things like vines and plants when out collecting herbs and so forth. Also a very niche emergency self-defense tool. -[color=tomato]{Food}[/color]: A small pouch sitting on her opposite hip that contains a few strips of preserved game meat and a few dried edible herbs from the local area. Not much in amount, since it was meant to be snacks for heading into the woods to gather herbs before 'that' happened. -[color=tomato]{Wristband}[/color]: A simple little bracelet made of pretty stones dyed in various colors, carefully having had a hole made through each, sitting on a band made of twisted and treated leather strips. Worn on her left wrist and given as a gift to her by her mother. How long it took to acquire or even make is unknown. -[color=tomato]{Cuteness}[/color]: She is a definitely cute moth girl. This is inherent to her existence. Yes. [/hider] [hider=Notes/Etc] -[color=tomato]{Wings}[/color]: Useful for slowing falls and gliding/hovering briefly in the air. (Ala the GM: "Mothraki can't fly, per say, but they could slow their own falls/hover a bit though not for long. You could learn to fly later.") Could she learn to fly? Eventually, yes and hopefully. -[color=tomato]{Scaling for Skills}[/color]: "Novice ->Apprentice->Journeyman->Expert->Master" - [/hider] [/hider]