So, it occurred to me that Jason is kind of in a bad spot power wise... Then I realized what could fix that. Ladies and Gents, I present to you, Riley Grace Davis... otherwise known as Bonesaw of the Slaughterhouse Nine. This adorable little psychopath will be the perfect force multiplier for our squishy villains, an excellent deterrent from seeing them obliterated on the first encounter, and the most enthusiastic and supporting little psycho of a daughteru/lil' sister for Jason specifically, because our serial killer needs a chance to [color=ed1c24]shine[/color] in all the [i][s]worst[/s][/i] best ways possible. [hider=Bonesaw] [center][hr][hr][img][/img] [img][/img] [b][color=ed1c24]"Swearing is Bad!"[/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]Name:[/color][/b] Riley Grace Davis [b][color=ed1c24]Nicknames/Titles:[/color][/b] Bonesaw [b][color=ed1c24]Age:[/color][/b] 13 [b][color=ed1c24]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=ed1c24]Affiliation:[/color][/b] Villain/Slaughterhouse Nine (yes, they are basically an entire tier of nutters) [b][color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color][/b] Childish but largely amoral, Bonesaw lacks any aversion to killing, and even giggled and smiled in excitement when Panacea killed her enslaved creations. As Bonesaw, Jack Slash encouraged her to view her creations as "art" and resist moralistic attempts to limit her. She couldn't remember her parents' faces. Following her mother's last instruction to her, Riley was obsessed with being a "good girl". This led to her adopting a 'cutesy' attitude speaking in a high voice and adopting overly girlish mannerism. In particular, she has an aversion to swearing bordering on a obsession. With a verbal tic constantly telling others not to swear. She has an obsession with rebuilding a family; this influences her choices when nominating people for membership in the Slaughterhouse Nine. She is just as liable to laugh and joke with someone one moment as to carve them up the second. [b][color=ed1c24]Biography:[/color][/b] Riley triggered in 2005, at the age of six, when she was forced to repeatedly provide medical care for her family by the Slaughterhouse Nine, injuring them over and over so she would have to heal them again, over the course of several hours, if not longer. Eventually, her body was simply unable to keep up, and the young girl broke even harder at being forced to let her mother die, forming an obsession with the woman's last words to be a "Good Girl"... a term and goal that would be twisted in the years to come. Riley was recruited by the Slaughterhouse Nine and developed a powerful case of Stockholm syndrome towards them, treating the group of mass murderers as a family and seeking to assign appropriate roles to each member mentally, roles she would seek to fill whenever members were killed. Her sense of morality was thoroughly twisted and defiled over the next 6 years, and the girl's twisted usage of her powers and ability to be a force multiplier served to make her the most infamous and feared member of the Nine, known for creating "living" abominations and leaving all manner of "art" in the wake of the Nine's rampages. Her dead-man switch plague threat also served to prevent the Nine from ever being seriously hunted down. It was in 2011 that the Nine would suffer their greatest defeat thus-far at the hands of a city of united heroes and villains alike. The Nine suffered enough casualties that Bonesaw was one of only three to survive, along with the long-time leader, Jack Slash, and their second most feared member, the unstoppable Siberian. Going into hiding, the Nine took over a small pocket dimension of a world, slaughtering the former owners, known as Toybox. There, they planned to make their greatest comeback with Bonesaw as the star of the show, using stolen clone technology to resurrect multiple copies of every past member of the Nine, creating an army of clones to be known as the Slaughterhouse Nine-Thousand. Or, at least, that was the plan. Halfway through, without warning, 13 year-old Bonesaw has found herself abducted to a strange time and place, far from Jack and the rest of the Nine. Maybe she can find a way home, but as far as she knows, she's the only one left of the Nine... and now the leader. With a fresh start and surrounded by unsuspecting heroes and villains alike with [i]riveting[/i] powers and technology from [i]fascinatingly[/i] alien sources... It's time to rebuild the Family. [b][color=ed1c24]Powers/Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*][b][color=ed1c24]Chirurgeon Shard[/color][/b]: An extradimensional super-computer of an eldritch being connected to the host by interdimensional and typically otherwise harmless tumors in the brain. It is a mere shard of a mighty whole that bestows powers upon mortals at the lowest point in their lives, the moment they mentally break... usually exacerbating whatever issues they gain in the moment or obtained in getting there. The Chirurgeon Shard specializes in matters pertaining to biology and the shaping thereof, and it has chosen to express its powers through Bonesaw in the form of a mastery of unparalleled capacity in biological, anatomical, and physiological sciences. The Shard, as any member of its kind, is concerned with one thing, and one thing only: [DATA] and the pursuance of the goal of defeating Entropy. They want those they give their powers to experiment with and use them prolifically to collect said data, and they exert subtle mental influence to ensure that they do with not even the slightest regard for morality. [*][b][color=ed1c24]General Scientific Accomplishments/Capabilities[/color][/b]: Riley is a powerful biological Tinker, whose abilities make her an unparalleled expert in biological, anatomical, and physiological sciences. She is capable of creating bio-mechanical constructs with their own powers, usually supers she has captured and modified into "zombies", and a variable load out of biochemical vials. Given preparation, she was capable of creating custom diseases capable of sweeping an entire city in minutes. As well as poisons tailor made to kill people in the slowest most excruciating way possible. She has several cybernetic enhancements, including a prehensile spine and extendable arms to stab others with. She has been bisected and beheaded and managed to survive both and rebuild herself. She noted her ability to deploy poisons from vents in her body. One trick she frequently employed was a type of white smoke that automatically killed bacteria in her radius. Useful against diseases Bonesaw does not have a cure to and effective against most insects. She also had poison darts loaded in her fingernails. Her effective control of near every aspect of her body allows her to dislocate her joints and otherwise bend them in unnatural ways. She has a wide variety of safeguards. Bonesaw modified herself and the rest of the Nine with various "safeguards"; sheathing their vital organs and major arteries in a protective sub dermal mesh, further wire reinforcement was put into the skeleton to avoid broken bones, with special attention paid to the organs and spine to keep them functioning. She also rendered her teammates resistant to her pathogens, and granting them artificial neurons which allowed them to make plans an emotion sensor/manipulator could not see, along with making them immune to said manipulation. Bonesaw has an internal switch that can -and most often does- turn off her sense of pain, and she has a variety of inbuilt mental checks to defend against mental influence. She has the ability to construct wetware computers that can record interdimensional events in a brain. She can also make wetware "golems" shaped however she wishes, typically making metal spider drones that used stolen brains for a computer. An expert in neuroanatomy, she enslaved and modified supers. She had a limited ability to raise the dead, which she used to produce her "zombies". Her understanding of the Corona Pollentia was unparalleled; allowing her to alter a parahuman's abilities to a limited degree, which she used to remove their control over their power and allow their powers to work together with other supers she had spliced to their body. Her crowning achievement in this regard was using stolen cloning technology to create The Slaughterhouse Nine-Thousand, using materials from Toybox. In this same vein, she is capable of surgically de-aging someone -or halting the ageing process biologically- and has done so to herself. This is not the limit to what she can do, as Tinkers are constantly adapting, evolving and developing brand new technology. With a specialization as terrifyingly broad as hers, Bonesaw is a force to reckoned with and is only underestimated by the ignorant or very, very stupid. [/list] [b][color=ed1c24]Other:[/color][/b] My favorite power is without question stopping/controlling time. Never gets less freaking awesome to me. [/hider]