IC is now up! Heroes will be cropping up in the Control Center alongside Ben, while baddies will be popping into one of the many Simulated Universes alongside The Forever King. [@Lazaria] As for Agatha here, yeah, a lot of small limiters places here and there. So I'll just list them off for ease. [list] [*][b]Magical Negation/Reflection - [/b]She'll find it more difficult to reflect/negate magic. Maybe not impossible, but certainly challenging. She can still resist magical assaults though. [*][b]Sealing - [/b]This sounds like quite the power, so I'll say that to do it under her new restrictions, she'd need a fair bit of time and plenty of effort. [*][b]Soul Manipulation - [/b]Mostly fine, just don't expect her to pull a resurrection move anytime soon lol. [*][b]Telekinesis - [/b]Weakened down to where she won't just crumple people with a thought xD. [*][b]Telepathy - [/b]Main changes would be that altering someone's memories or outright controlling them would be far more challenging. [*][b]Teleportation - [/b]She can do smaller teleportation moves with some ease, but the longer the distance and more people she's bringing, the harder it is and more time she'll need to prepare. Theoretically it could teleport people directly outside of a Simulation if necessary, but it'll be hella difficult. [*][b]Transmutation - [/b]Sounds cool, as long as she isn't turning people into jelly 'n stuff. lmao [/list] Overall though, she sounds cool! And it'll be fun to have a baddie with some magical talent for certain. Accepted!