[center][img] http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/f/fd/Danny_Phantom_logo_2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20160108034228[/img][/center] For Danny Fenton, it had just been an ordinary day. For the first time in a long time, Danny didn’t have any ghost related shenanigans going on. Ghosts weren’t wreaking havoc, people weren’t running in fear, it was an actual normal day. Danny was on a date with Sam. Their first real date, as a couple. For once in his life, everything was good. Then there was a weird flash of light, and suddenly everything went downhill. Danny was now no longer in Nasty Burger with his girlfriend. (It still felt weird calling her that.) Instead, he was in a room filled with cords and screens that didn’t look like any part of the ghost zone he had ever been too. Although, this could be something Technus could have cooked up… [b]“Where am I?”[/b] Standing in front of the weird towering thing, was a green and black monster that was radically different from any kind of ghost Danny had ever seen before. His eyes went wide. [b]“And what kind of ghost are you?!”[/b] Danny immediately transformed into his ghost form, and hovered up. His fists glowing green with energy. [b]“So let me guess. I have to fight you, so I can get back home to my girlfriend? Or is there an easier we can do this?”[/b]