Shizuka’s “condition” certainly caught Lunatea’s attention, enough to halt her work on the tents. She looked at his direction, still bent over, raising an eyebrow as she did. [i]What did he just yell again?[/i] Before she could ask whether he was okay or not, however, he came up to her, thanking her for helping the jiangshi. “You don’t have to thank me.” She straightened herself, finally covering her panties from his sight. “I’m just doing my job as part of this taskforce.” She wasn’t being humble. She really didn’t think she had done something impressive worthy of praise. The moment Tomi rested her arm on the rabbit girl's shoulder, Lunatea responded with a glare. Who was she to just casually lean on her like that?! And when she patted her on the head, that glare only intensified. Still, the rabbit girl didn’t say anything. She was still too tired to enter into an argument with anyone. Especially against yet another seductive monster girl like her. Really, why would she be flirting with the scared and confused man? She knew how much monsters, or youkai, as the locals dubbed them, were hated here. She did break a smile when Kerry and Valeryia called her out on it though. The two newcomers to their little taskforce. Now she remembered. They did say there would be more joining them on the island itself. Lucky they got wings to fly. She had to take a boat to get here. Soon after, Samael came to her, demanding for them to stay together. Lunatea quickly switched her frown to a smile, patting him on the head as she bent over to be on his eye level. “Yes, we can do that. Though, I wonder. Why are you here if you cannot fight? I can’t defend you all the time, you know.” She didn’t mean anything bad by her harsh words. It was simply the truth. She was not some super nanny that could keep him safe while defeating her enemies at the same time. She was just a humble scholar. Returning her attention back to the half-naked man, she decided to just let Shizuka and the others handle him. Unless they wanted her to hypnotize him, that is. [@AzureKnight][@Rezod92][@Slypheed][@Dark Cloud][@FrogRFlowR]