[h2]Peace Be Your Journey Pt. 2[/h2] [h3] Greenleaf Late Morning/Early Afternoon[/h3] OOC: JP between [@Aalakrys], [@MK Blitzen] [img]https://imgur.com/sn9wbri.png[/img] [hider=Second Gear] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybJgV4Y_tmk[/youtube] [/hider] Hearing that her company had been welcome filled the free-spirited Penelope with joy, though her spreading smile turned sheepish at the mention of her venturing off on her own early enough to be pronounced a short-lived enjoyment of their time together. She rubbed absently at the back of her neck as she spoke in a more apologetic way of explanation. “My feet seem to have a habit’a carryin’ me away when left to their own devices. Weren’t nothin’ on the company. Though… I don’t much right remember most ‘cept flashes. Explains my ears ringin’ somethin’ fierce this mornin’ though. Real sorry I went a’wanderin’.” “It was a jol,” she said with a bright smile, “Good party. Glad you got back safe and sound. So….” Cyd stared at the bottle, examining the unique markings, the container keeping her focus. “Come right back to the ship?” "By way of jungle." Penelope gave a little shake of her head, as if the journey was second nature. "Weren't my smartest decision, I figure, bein's I was goin' on about how dangerous it is. But…" The lightness of her tone trailed away as her brain belatedly wired connections from the flashes of memories. Her racing heart, the fractured glimpses of passing buildings she dashed by. "I was runnin' from -" She passed that memory off as being a flight from danger, maybe away from someone who had been too handsy like Cyd had said. But, then she had gotten that letter from her father and it had filled in that missing piece. In a blink, she saw him standing on the patio just before he gave chase. "My pa. Reckon I realized where my feet carried me and I weren't ready for the destination." She grinned, the brightness of it tempered by the sadness and regret for how everything had went. It was all too fast. But, now was the time for sorting. And this mood was no good. Cyd was being real nice to check after her and her she was bringing things down. "Speaking of, those coordinates will take ya to where the water was got. There's waterfalls, if ya still haven't gotten to see'em yet." “That was …” Cyd started, pausing as she ran her hand over the coordinates. “Lucky,” she decided on an adjective. “With the jungle. Our tour guide was talking about quicksand and panthers and the like.” She made a mental note to keep a better eye out the next time. “Your Pa is skollies? Er… not a good man?” The idea of her father being considered a bad man gave way to a laugh escaping her lips before she could stop it. "No, no - don't know a gentler soul than my pa." Her smile waned sadly. "I wasn't sure I'd see him this go-around. Thought I'd have more time to figure out how to tell him I was still alive. But we'll sort it all out today. Was actually on my way to see him." “He thought you were dead?” She asked, raising her eyebrows, “howzit?” "Ó, yuánlái shì gùshì… (Oh, that is a story)." Pen grinned in that passive way of hers, but gave a slight shrug as she mulled over what was important about it. "Short version is that the ship I was pilotin' was reported crashed with no survivors. Don't look good on a resume, but I reckon bein' dead don't either." Or that it was a cover-up so Hafez could pursue his own investigation after the other two survivors. But, that wasn't relevant to the question so didn't make the cut. "So far, being alive again has been pretty alright." “Oweh,” Cyd said with a nod, trying to hide a smile. Her new cuz was a bit of a kitten off the track herself. “In that case, welcome back to the land of the living! You’ll give me the long version of that sometime, kiff?” Penelope softly laughed at the energy of the other woman. The idea of retelling it all didn’t quite seem so daunting now that this trip back to Greenleaf had put some balm on her ails that past and uncertainty had brought on. And, like others of the crew she’d been spending some time getting to know, Cyd was luring her out of that drifting along mentality. Something about her energy, it being so opposite her own, drew her in. That curiosity needled more than her caution and wariness to get close with others had once weighed, and so there was surprisingly no hesitation to delivering the decision she’d come to with a glint to her eyes. “Only if you’ll trade me a story of your own.” “Deal!” Cyd agreed. “It’s a fact like a cow. Maybe when we leave Greenleaf, ja nee? If you want some company while you’re flying that is. Otherwise, you’re always welcome to visit the shuttle with me and my sibs. " The warm exuberance was well-received by the pilot. It had been a while since she had someone willing to kick about in the flight deck with her during runs. Jun’s face was a near flash in her mind, wearing much the same smile Cyd did now. It would’ve been enough to temper her mood had her brain not started puzzling out the logistics of the offer. “I surely wouldn’t mind the company up on deck, but Cap’n said only crew was allowed. Not sure where long-term shuttle renters fall, so I’ll have to check before I can officially commit.” Penelope wasn’t quite sure, but she guessed it may have had something to do with Sam more than anything. She usually flew strictly-cargo vessels though, so maybe it was a standard rule of flyin’ folk around. A fair amount of pilots didn’t like to be pestered while doing their job, when having to be more hands on. Penelope was the sort that could go either way. As amiable as she was, she knew when to tell someone to give her room to work. At present, she was sincere in her reply in all regards. “No skade, er… I mean, I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble. Besides! It’s not a big ship. We’re bound to run into each other. She held up the bottle and winked, not wanting to hold the pilot from her reunion. The kind gesture had taken Cyd by surprise. “I’ll make sure of it. And shot … thank you for this, it was –” She almost blurted Ubuntu, but that’s who the pilot was. The only person so far, except her sibs of course, who would get the concept, anyway. Pen made an effort to make the raver girl feel like less of an outsider. “Kiff of you,” she finished. “Peace be your journey, oweh?” "And to you on yours." Pen grinned with a nod towards the bottle as she lifted her bundle for the wash. Coordinates to waterfalls were the least she could do for the adventurous trio that had her along for a night out. She hoped Cyd did take up the trip for the day given they'd be leaving Greenleaf come morning. Something she had to keep in mind herself given her own plans for the day. But, no matter how things shaped out, she found herself looking forward to coming back to the China Doll and the promised more time with a new friend.