With his jaws clamped down on the monster below he had the advantage, and the creature had gotten desperate. Thrashing about and clawing much more violently. For as his mouth began digging into his weaker flesh it relinquished its grip on his left arm to attempt a somewhat futile assault. With its hand was withdrawn a massive chunk of his flesh but Sukoh's left arm was free. This was the only opening he needed. The bear's nearly crippled foreleg cracked and ruptured, sending blood spraying everywhere, but it had enough strength left in it for what he needed to do. With all the force left in it and his jaw clamped tightly around the lower half of the snarnorgul he shoved himself upwards, throwing his shoulders backwards to produce even more force to lift the monster upwards. While he was doing this the creature brought its arm backwards, slamming a rock hard bony structure into the bottom of his jaw. The stony part crashed into the the left corner of his lower jaw, shattering the edge of his mandible. The ground bone splintered and even poked outwards through his skin. The fat wasn't nearly as thick, but it provided enough protection to not completely destroy his jaw bone. In fact his biting grip might have even been improved by the strike, forcing his teeth even deeper into the cretin's hindquarters. Sukoh was going to have to do this quickly, his vision was starting to go blurry from both the head trauma and the large quantities of blood he's been losing. But if his pull was effective, then the monster was going to be hoist out from underneath his bulk and into the air. Preventing further damage to his underbelly and forelegs by keeping the creature out of reach. It would also make its entire body face away from Sukoh, because he was facing forward while underneath him. And once his body was safe he'd be able to finish the monster off with a vicious follow up.