[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/GpC2zmX1/Anki-Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr]All things considered, the standoff ended rather well. The dragon, while still not pleased with what Catherine had done to the body of her kin, did not turn hostile. Anki watched it all in silence until it was over. For the most part, she didn't thought of anything much out of it. Although she did wonder about a particular point, and not seeing anything wrong with it, mentioned it openly to Srikandi beside her. [color=DEB887]"I do not understand what the dragon meant by treating the corpse with respect. What is the difference between letting the body rot and be consumed into naught but bones by nature, and harvesting its body so that it might be used for useful scientific or magical purposes? In the end, it will be the same. Rotten flesh, and then bones, and then nothingness."[/color] Her expression as she asked the question was one of true curiosity. Earnest innocence without the slightest bit of sarcasm. Anki then turned to look at Almira and her crews again as the strangers from beyond the stars approached the party. It seemed that it was finally time for proper introductions, and thus Anki proceeded to do just that. Her Pataliputran was half-baked however, and thus she kept her own introduction simple. [b]Very[/b] simple. [color=DEB887]"Khaltesh Anki du Oberia. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color] Then her gaze flicked over to the armored security crews and the one actual robot also with them, her own artificial eyes brimming with curiosity. Anki seemed to scrutinize them for a full minute, looking over the details, the shape, and the materials of their armors. Then, she turned to look at Almira again. [color=DEB887]"You made these automatons? You, alchemist? Wizard?"[/color]