[quote=@mattmanganon] [hider=Michael Morbius] [center][hr][hr][img]https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/morbius_lead.jpg?fit=900%2C1500[/img] [b][i]"It... It all sort of spiralled out of control..."[/i][/b][hr][hr][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Michael Morbius [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Doctor Morbius Bloodchief of Lineage Dragule Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Affiliation:[/b] Hero [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] Michael was born in Stuttgart, Germany. his father, a philosopher and mother a Doctor, he took more after his mother, growing up fascinated in the ways of science, he was constantly at odds with his father, who had always wanted his son to become a philosopher, this animosity only grew when, at the age of 13, he lost his mother to a car accident. His father and he grew very distant before he went to medical school and studied biology and biogenetics. His life seemed to be going in a good direction, that was until his first encounter with her... Walking home from a lecture one night, he was attacked by a Vampire that beat him half to death, before attempting to turn him, before the creature could bite him, however, he was found by Rachel Van Helsing, the Vampire hunter, who slew the creature. After she saved him, he became enamoured with her and followed her, offering his assistance as a researcher. He and Rachel eventually fell in love and were married. Although Michael wasn't much of a fighter, he developed multiple new, Anti-Vampire bio-weapons for Rachel to use in her fights. He also got to meet other monsterous entities from across the world, some friendly, some not so much. One that they did find was a friendly Vampire in Los Angeles, as well as, in Egypt, a team of American Commando's made up of monsters. Eventually, Rachel fell pregnant and it seemed as though their lives were almost complete... Then one day, Rachel fell ill. She lost the baby, before soon losing her ability to breathe properly. She was diagnosed with "McGregor's Syndrome" which was thought completely incurable, but, after a bit of research, his findings brought him to someone online by the name of "HOI" Michael and HOI corresponded for quite some time as they worked together on a cure and made some good headway, they even developed a stop-gap for stage one patients, such as Rachel, where they could put her into a medically induced coma and keep her under indefinitely. However, their working together was cut short when HOI stopped connecting and then, the funds that they were sharing in a bank account were frozen. Going underground in Greece, Michael continued to hunt vampires until he came to the realization that, perhaps, they could be the answer. Vampires contained incredible healing powers, he had never even heard of one getting sick. He managed to capture one and began to work on adapting the Vampiric genetics to synthesize a cure. But, without HOI's help, he quickly ran into walls. Specifically, he ran out of samples from Nora's advanced stage 3 and was forced to run tests on Vamprie Bats that he infected. Finally, he managed to synthesize what he believed to be a mutagen that would give humans the healing factor of Vampires, with no other choice, his first test subject was himself. What happened next, he had no idea, but when he came to, he was surrounded by a dead biker gang and he had mutated... Getting home, he looked in the mirror to find himself horrifically mutated and with a taste for blood... Not wanting to accept what he was, a full-blooded vampire, he grabbed a silver stake and drove it through his own heart. He waited and waited, but death didn't come for him. He threw himself into the sun, but again, death was no-where to be seen. After some quick tests, he found that he wasn't a vampire in the typical sense. He was... Something else... He tried to correspond with several other scientists that he knew, but nobody was willing to return his messages. Those that were quickly stopped replying as soon as he brought the word "Vampire" into the conversation. HOI finally came back online and he arranged to finally meet HOI. HOI turned out to be Doctor Victor Frieze from Gotham, a disgraced medical genius that had taken to a life of crime to fund his research into curing McGregor's. Victor did a number of tests on him and they quickly found out that he was something completely different. His blood was hungry and it didn't care where it got its meals from. However, it took in whatever desirable traits it could find. Before he could turn this to his advantage, however, Morbius found himself in more trouble as a Vampire by the name of Dracula found him and tried to convince him to become his new right-hand man. There was a number of scraps and scrapes with him as Morbius forged alliances and friendships with other monstrous beings from his dimension, fighting some of the other bloodchiefs together, as well as against each other. But one day, he found himself visiting Rachel and who should he find by Dracula. The Bloodchief took it upon himself to sever every link that Morbius had to humanity and he started by curing his wife by turning her into a Vampire. This backfired on the Lord of Darkness, as the newly turned Rachel attacked him. Vampirism is caused when a vampire bites someone and drains their blood. They inject a tracing spell into the veins in return, which calls a demon from the hell dimension to possess them and crave blood. Turns out that the demon that possessed Rachel was not only especially powerful, but also harbored a deepseated grudge against Dracula, resisting his dominance over him and trying to kill him. Morbius and Rachel gathered their allies and launched one final attack on Dracula's castle. After a long and arduous battle, Dracula was defeated, with Morbius draining his blood, as well as the title of Bloodchief from his veins. The demon inside of Rachel left, dragging Dracula's soul back to the Hell dimension, returning Rachels soul to her body. Luckily, the ordeal had cured her McGregor's Syndrome, but it left her disoriented. She escaped the castle and went on the run. Morbius immediately wanted to go after her, but his team convinced him to stay and fortify their position. She was disoriented and would be in no fit state to accept all that was happening at the moment. Michael officially took his seat on the Grand Council of Bloodchiefs in order to secure his own safety and the safety of those around him, including Rachel. With that completed, he went after his wife. He eventually caught up with Rachel, him convincing her to come back with him, that they could do good for the world with his new power and position, just as they locked in an embrace, it happened... She disappeared before his eyes. Turning to his allies, he saw half of them disappear as well. It turns out that, elsewhere in the universe, a mad Titan called "Thanos" had wiped out half of all life as a passionate guesture for his love, Death. Michael immediately went on a mad crusade to find out what happened, but quickly found out that this wasn't localised. He met with the other heroes of the world in order to discuss what had happened, with half of the other heroes dead, the rest decided to go after Thanos and use whatever magics he had used in order to revive them. The battle against Thanos was long and hard-fought, earths mightiest remaining heroes throwing everything they had at the titan and him easily repelling them using the power of the Infinity Stones. Eventually, with the help of another Titan, they were able to wrench the gauntlet from his hand. Morbius took the gauntlet for himself. With their allied Titan and most of the godly heroes down from the battle, he reasoned that his Bloodchief status (Effectively a god among vampires) made him the most likely to survive using it to return everyone to life. Concentrating hard, he snapped his fingers and... Suddenly he was here... This strange nexus... [hider=Powers] [b]Mutant Vampire:[/b] Morbius' powers stem from his research into adapting the supernatural properties of monsters into humans. Although, he himself is more of a mutant due to his DNA being crossed with that of a Vampire-Bat, as well as a little bit of Vampire blood, rather than the blood curse of Nosforatu, he nonetheless shares certain powers commonly associated with the Homonus Nocturni. [i]*Super Strength:[/i] Even at his weakest, he is still easily able to lift a ton over his head. After his power boost from Dracula, he is able to lift up to 4 tons above his head. [i]*Super Durability:[/i] Like most vampires, conventional weapons have little effect on his body. Bullets can stun him and cause him great deals of pain, but can't kill him. He is also incredibly resistant to blunt-force-trauma. [i]*Super Speed:[/i] Whereas not able to outrun a speeding bullet, he is able to outrun any non-powered human, his top speed is around 40mph. [i]*Super Stamina:[/i] Due to his blood being different, his body produces little in the way of fatigue toxins, allowing him to push his maximum potential for hours at a time, without rest. [i]*Supernatural Reflexes:[/i] Whilst not Spider-Senses, he is able to react to stimuli almost 20x faster than the average human. [i]*Acute senses:[/i] Due to his increased physical traits, it has yielded amazing superhuman senses. He can see in the dark, his sense of smell is better than most dogs, his hearing is on the level of a Bat's. [i]*Super Regenerative Healing:[/i] Although not as amazing as Wolverine's, his healing rate is beyond most any naturally occuring creature. He recovers from simple cuts and scratches in minutes. And, although not good enough to regrow internal organs, he can regrow lost limbs if he can rest for about a week. [i]*Claws and Teeth:[/i] Like any vampire, he must feast on fresh blood 2-3 times a week to keep his strength. To help him with this, his canines have increased in size, as has his finger-nails into razor-sharp claws. [i]*Immunity to Typical Vampire Weaknesses:[/i] Unlike typical vampires, he is uneffected by holy symbols, silver and oak weapons or sunlight. [i]*Blood Absorption:[/i] Possibly Morbius' most interesting power. His blood is hungry, it needs to consume more blood and is not against turning on itself. If he doesn't drink blood for long enough, he will die a very painful death as his body consumes itself. However, this does have its advantages. His blood only takes on the most desirable traits of whatever it consumes. Essentially, he can gain the powers of beings that he consumes the blood of. He takes 1 power from each 1 person that he bites and generally this happens purely at random. If he bites superman, he doesn't necessarily gain the entire kryptonian physiology, but it might give him Heat Vision or Super Breath or Flight. He gains no further powers from subsequent bites. [hider=Absorbed Powers]A list of powers that he has absorbed from biting people: Cold Resistance (Can survive in temperatures as low as -50 Celsius) [Mr Freeze] Super Ventriloquism (Can throw his voice and mimic others with pinpoint accuracy) [Superman] Wallcrawling (Can always find grip on any surface, can even stand upside down on the ceiling while maintaining this balance) [Spider-Man] Homing Ability (Always knows his way to the New Mexico test site where Hulk was created) [Hulk] Allspeak (Is always able to communicate with anything known to Asgard) [Thor] Deep Sea Survival (Is able to breathe underwater and can resist upwards of 700 atmospheres of ocean pressure) [Namor] [/hider] [b][i]*Bloodchief of Lineage Dragule:[/i][/b] After defeating Dracula and dethrowning him as the bloodchief of his Lineage, he gained the following powers: [i]*Hypnotism:[/i] The weak minded can be controlled by maintaining eye contact. Strong willed individuals can counteract this though. [i]*Flight:[/i] Has the ability to produce a pair of large bat-wings from his back which allow him to fly at speeds exceeding 100mph. [i]*Shapeshifting:[/i] Michael is able to shapeshift into bats, rats, wolves and mist. [i]*Dominion over Vampires of Lineage Dragule:[/i] Any vampire that was turned by himself or Dracula is unable to disobey any direct order from him. [hider=Weaknesses] [b]Vampiric Weaknesses:[/b] Due to being partially vampiric, he does have several of the problems that go along with it. [i]Vampiric Hunger:[/i] He MUST feast on living blood at least 2-3 times a week. The main problem is that other animals can sustain him, but he must feed on human blood at least once a week or he slowly loses his sanity until he is forced to feast. [i]Garlic allergy:[/i] This one isn't strictly related to his vampiric abilities, he has always suffered from a mild allergy to Garlic. Ironic, isn't it? [i]Sunlight sensitivity:[/i] Unlike other vampires that explode when sunlight hits them, Morbius finds that exposure to sunlight makes his skin hypersensitive. Mild cuts that he would otherwise ignore are now agonizingly painful. Punches from some punk feel like being shot. [i]Ultra-Violet based weapons:[/i] Not specifically a weakness in the sense that they are a guarenteed kill, but more in the sense that he is equally susceptable to them as a human would be. UV based lasers will cut through all of his powerful defenses as though they did not exist. [i]Sense-Overstimulation:[/i] Having superior sight, smell and hearing can come at a disadvantage. Although sunlight doesn't hurt him, he finds it difficult to see in the sun, he also finds his skin becoming more sensitive during the day. Certain smells can overpower him and sounds that would be annoying to a human might be deafening to him. [i]Little Formal Combat Training:[/i] Despite being incredibly strong and having access to a reasonably large arsenal of weapons, he has little in the way of actual combat training. In battle, he rellies fully on his powers and team-mates to carry him. [i]Minimal Firearms training:[/i] He has fired a number of guns in his time as a vampire slayer, but he is far from a marksman. [i]Infinity Gauntlet:[/i] Probably the single most powerful item in his universe... Emphasis on [i]his[/i]. Infinity Stones are the building blocks of his universe and have no power over anything that wasn't bore from his universe. This means that the only thing his Gauntlet can hurt at the moment is himself.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Equipment][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/monstermovies/images/d/d0/Dracula_%28Marvel_Comics%29.jpg]Armour and Sword of Dracula:[/url] A suit of magical armour, with a sword. Both forged in the Hell Dimension and brought with Dracula to the mortal realm. They are each nearly indestructible and serve as a conduit for his powers as the Bloodchief. The armour, however, does not cover a lot of his body, only the chest, hands, forearms, shins, knee's and feet, leaving almost half of his body fully exposed. The sword teleports to his hand on command. The cape turns into his wings when he needs to fly. [url=https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2018/03/db4e35e7-1bae-4c86-9433-153e136de328.jpg]Infinity Gauntlet:[/url] One of the most powerful weapons of his universe, with the power to reshape the entirety of his cosmos on a whim... [i]His[/i] cosmos... The gauntlet and by extension the stones themselves have no power at all over anything that did not directly come from Morbius' universe. Using them takes an incredible toll on his body, so healing his own injuries is not really an option. But if someone were to take it from him, they could kill him and only him. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] He seems a little powerful, so i built him in with an easy way to kill him. If this doesn't work out, i've got some other ideas. [/quote] [i]HOLY BACKSTORY BATMAN![/i] I see you put the powers in hiders to save space, when the thing that actually needed a hider was the backstory. The powers section really isn't that big at all. If anything, it's that picture size that is just overbearingly massive. XD Also, if you think he's too strong, let the GM worry about what actually gets nerfed. The "nerf"/weakness you invented isn't even feasible to begin with. The Infinity Stones literally can't exist and/or work at all outside their home universe, and even if they could (perhaps due to something funky going on as a result of this whole multidimensional event), introducing those things to the wider universe is just begging for trouble. Oh, and that backstory is complete bunk (even for the "reimagining" that this guy supposedly is). Morbius is Marvel, not DC. It's literally impossible for him to be in Gotham, which now sorta makes the legitimacy/feasibility of his listed powers suspect. This is a full-on crossover fanfic version, not a reimagining.