[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220320/a8c98542c33b17c1d2336925571637ab.png[/img][/center] A blur of color tore through the skies of Talescria, the capital world of the Coalition of Planets. The blur had a name, Terra Grayson, and she had been raised on this world hundreds of years ago. As she observed it from the skies, she ruminated on how different it had become. Before, it was an ecumenopolis with spires stretching into the clouds, and the skies were choked with transports and aircars. Now, after the war with the Viltrum Empire, it was more idyllic. Greenery had taken over what was previously industrialized, and the empty sky scrapers teemed with plant life. Terra took a deep breath of the fresh air, and sped along through the sky. She had an appointment to make with an old friend today. Or she would have, if a sudden flash of light did not rip her out of Talescria's skies and deposit her in... Well, she didn't know. It appeared to be indoors, a control room of types, in dilapidated condition. Terra hung in the air a few feet off the ground, fists raised, prepared for anything. There were others, a few humans by the looks of them, but others that seemed clearly not human. Her eyes flicked from person to person, trying to see if anyone had a better idea of what was going on than she did. Gauging that the level of confusion she currently had was shared with everyone else, she decided to feel out the person in the room that was the most unfamiliar to her. "[color=ffe556]Hey you, alien![/color]" She pointed at the black-skinned creature that was stood across the room from her. "[color=ffe556]I don't recognize your species. Are you the one that's abducted us?[/color]" Looking to the others, she saw that they were panicking, and felt that to avoid a chance of violence, she had to assume control of the situation. She descended to the ground, lowering her fists, and tried to speak in a softer tone. "[color=ffe556]My name is Terra. I'm a peaceful agent of the Viltrum Empire. I just want to know where I am, and why I'm here.[/color]"