[@Kiragan_Natsuki][@Sloth][@Fabricant451][@Hey Im Jordan][@Fiber][@Knight 7][@MelodicElement] Alright, I'm gonna get to work on the OOC sometime tomorrow, so if you need to reconsider your commitment, now's the time to either back out or make sure you're in. I'll probably also set up a discord server, because I really wanna set this up [i]just like[/i] a wrestling promotion, or at least as close as possible. That means making up cards for both player characters and NPC wrestlers(even if their matches are glossed over), booking the match outcomes, storyline progression, and title shots a bit before hand, and so on. It'll be a communal effort, we're all telling this story together after all, so expect final posts to be collaboration-heavy, though I'm not expecting y'all to go crazy all-out on every single match writing-wise.