[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MMrwTnq.png[/img] [b][color=00aeef]PAGONIA[/color][/b][/center] Pagonia made no effort to interfere with the issue surrounding Etoile, knowing that he had no room to speak. He too had been an Inquisitor for only a few short years, training under Garland and lending assistance on missions. It was not his place to speak down on Etoile, instead he would believe in her words. He needed not anything else to go on beside what he knew of her this day. The surprise truly came in hearing his baby brother's response. He never expected the boy to accept an inquisitor, showing that his maturity was light-years ahead of what Pagonia was at his age. Walking backwards till his back touched a tree nearby, the blond let the weight of the world pull him down to a sitting position. Fatigue ran through his body at such a rate that he could fall asleep at any moment, magic having drained his body of stamina from the various fights. [color=00aeef]"Hey guys, I'm rather tired. We gonna keep moving or rest here?"[/color] His head hung low over his lap, eye barely keeping themselves open. Pagonia just wanted a long nap, though he knew it would be unwise with the witch still there and the numerous other dangers lurking, waiting to kill the group. Taking a deep sigh, he lifted his head up to stare at the group, ready to do whatever was decided next.