[color=gainsboro]He looked up at the monitors. Wrinkled hands wrung fingers and wrists at the tension as he considered what the displays were telling him. The fate of the world. And he was retired, with his biggest concern being making sure the bins got to the curb and the manicured state of the front lawn only days before. The fate of the world left to the hands of one man. It both shouldn't be... but somehow always was. One hand returned to his face, as he rubbed his jaw pensively.[/color] [hr] [color=gainsboro]Inside the ship, the metal was foreign and seemed to be galvinised in some strange way that made all the surfaces shiny, but tacky to his gloved touch. Not that that surprised him, nor should it have. Alien ship used unrecognisable material. Stop the presses. Oh. Speaking of non-surprises... A chorus of blasts from energy weapons surged towards him as he darted for cover around a console adorned with flickering lights. [/color] [color=aquamarine]<"Throw down your arms and come out or we will shoot you. You are significantly outnumbered.">[/color] [color=gainsboro]The Vigilante exhaled a sigh deeply, which came out in the form of a growl through his voice modulator. The inevitability of contact making it no less frustrating when it came. His heart rate slowed once more to a crawl as he prepared himself. A wry grin crossed his face as a thought flickered through his mind.[/color] [b]"No habla invasive scumbag. I am just a tourist on your strange cruise liner. Que camino a la discoteca?"[/b] [color=gainsboro]Arlaaekan soldiers stood around confused. They had translation implants - the benefit of pre-scouting the region with the rods - which provided translation in between the twenty most used languages on Earth, but it struggled when known languages were blended... or badly butchered, as was the Vigilante's ability to speak most languages other than english. A sergeant looked to take control of the situation and it's growing confusion.[/color] [color=aquamarine]"Por... favor... repit--olo. Por favor... repitolo. Please... repeat. Nosotros estamos tratando de entender... We... are trying to understand."[/color] [color=gainsboro]A sudden blast took out much of the ambient lighting, casting the aliens into shadow. They scrambled, struggling to identify one another in close quarters and anticipating a fire fight. One of the Arlaaekans broke ceasefire, which caused more blasting in response. Before the scene settled three were grounded, smouldering from friendly fire. Some kind of object could be heard sliding towards them, and from the darkness they once more heard the mechanical growl of the Vigilante's voice modulator.[/color] [b]"Forget the discoteca. We'll dance here and now."[/b] [color=gainsboro]The flashbang erupted with light, blinding the alien soldiers with knowledge. In that instant they discovered who they were dealing with.[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pzWrnNW.png?1[/img][/center] [color=gainsboro]Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, a path was being cut through the [i]Doomspear[/i]'s other soldier forces by an elderly man wearing a now sagging superhero suit of primary colours, adorned with a large golden eagle. Alan Coghlan nudged his spectacles back up his nose and paid mind to his breathing and the heart which was pounding within his chest.[/color] [color=goldenrod][b]"Don't overexert yourself, old man. Not today. Not now. There's too much at stake."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]A beam fired from the golden rod cut through the [i]Doomspear[/i]'s hull and burst into the night, providing a quick moment of rewarded faith for anyone looking on at the terrifying weapon from outside. This was followed by a half dozen Arlaaekan soldiers being pushed out to fall to the street below by another construct, carefully made in accordance to the master rod-wielder's will. He found himself somewhat surprised at the limited response from the military on-board the ship. He'd seen thousands of wars like this one and was well versed in the kind of personnel different craft carried. They seemed to be holding back for some reason. A new weapon they were drawing him in for? The aged Aquilifer furrowed his wrinkled brow. Little did he know the Vigilante was dispatching his own fair share of the armed Arlaaekans elsewhere, the pair dividing the [i]Doomspear[/i]'s fighting force, as they fought their way closer to a meeting point.[/color] [center][img] https://i.imgur.com/2cVYNXa.png [/img][/center] [color=gainsboro]In his executive quarters, Admiral Keelan straightened his suit and checked the polish on his finery, a satisfied smirk upon his teal face. For the illustrious moment he had selected one of the older rods from his quarters, which he had seized from one of his earliest conquests. After some brief calculation he felt fairly certain this world's rod wielder should have seen the battle which saw his victory and capture of the spoils of war. If nothing else it may provide a brief glimmer of psychological advantage... for this one's part in witnessing the inevitable. These were the moments he lived for.[/color] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kGkPwSC.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=gainsboro]These were the moments he lived for. The rhythmic pummeling of his fist into the bone and cartilege of the last Arlaaekan soldier. He kept wailing even after the invader fell. Black-green spray marking a point of difference from the usual sanguine splashback. Far ahead, but closing fast he heard the shrill sound of another alien blast, from further within the depths of the ship. He scrambled for cover once more. More blasts echoed down the passageways, before eerie silence, penetrated only by a strange new alien sound. The Vigilante angled from cover and discovered what it was, with another sigh. This time in relief. It was the original Aquilifer. The old man floating slowly, but purposely through the deck in a protective hard-light bubble shield.[/color] [b]"You're lucky I realised it was you. I was about to give you more than you could handle."[/b] [color=gainsboro]The old man turned his head sharply in surprise at his sudden appearance, before relief and a smile crossed his face.[/color] [i]The ones in black... always playing in the shadows.[/i] [color=goldenrod][b]"I'm sure you were."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]The old rod wielder said with a chuckle that the Vigilante found to be oddly short of actual warmth.[/color] [right][i]Is he-- Is he playing a role..? His voice, his mannerisms... he's changed everything from the old man I met in his house.[/i][/right] [color=gainsboro]The Vigilante's face screwed up in consternation, hidden well behind the balaklava. But before he could probe the elder hero for an answer to his questions, a bulkhead door opened and an officious voice broke his efforts. In overly crisp, learned english, but with an accent all his own.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"I think not."[/color] [color=gainsboro]A polished boot emphatically touched down on their deck, followed by the rest of Admiral Keelan from the shadows, his officer's suit buffed to a sheen.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"I have come to take everything; That which you freely gave as well as the power which was loaned to you. The term of our agreement has conclude."[/color] [color=gainsboro]A wicked glower crossed his face. He was enjoying this. So seldom does one get to face the man who sold a world.[/color] [color=gainsboro]A shiver ran down Alan Coghlan's spine as he saw what Keelan held. One of the rods taken from a conquored world. He'd seen so many flicker across his vision in that desolate place which changed his life, he couldn't even place which rod or which world it was. And that made it worse. Staring down the face of what seemed fated.[/color] [color=gainsboro]Keelan's rod glowed bright, and seemed to pulsate with the power, will and intent of a driven man.[/color] [color=gainsboro]The Vigilante took one look across at the old Aquilifer and took a measure of the man. Seemingly staggered and frozen by this Arlaaekan officer's appearance.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Were you aware your compatriot sold your world, sold you, for a brief glimmer of power?"[/color] [right][i]Frozen. Guess I'd better unfreeze him. Moving first against a man with the power to take a world.[/i][/right] [b]"...Tuesday."[/b] [color=gainsboro]He uttered. Confusion seemed to cross the Admiral's face, until a flash of bright white teeth flickered from his balaklava in a leer as he moved almost as fast.[/color] [color=gainsboro]He drew nightsticks from his pack and swatted at the rod, he managed to connect, but not firmly enough to knock it from the Arlaaekan's clenched fist.[/color] [b]"I've fought demons rising from Hell, I've bested a literal god. A GOD! And I'm booked in to take out something which is planning to devour the goddamn multiverse! Alien shit-prick with designs on the Earth..? You're a sneaky Tuesday appointment at 11:45! I'm in-and-out and off to an early lunch in five minutes!"[/b] [color=gainsboro]The Vigilante tried his best to wrestle the rod to directions it could do no harm, pincering it with the two nightsticks and anchoring it to the floor with help from the gravity gauntlets. Pausing briefly he elbowed the Admiral in the teeth, with what little purchase he could get. The Admiral's alien physiology had raw strength on him, for all his toys and tricks.[/color] [b]"Of course if you want to BLOODY CHIME IN AT ANY POINT, YOU OLD BASTARD, you're welcome to it!"[/b] [color=gainsboro]He yelled out to the Aquilifer, who until now was still frozen in place.[/color] [color=gainsboro]Alan was about to seize the advantage when Keelan kneed the Vigilante in the chest, pushed him off and aimed the Off-World Rod at his head, before holding up a remote with his other hand and pressing a button which projected a hologram next to the trio. The hologram was of the Earth entire, which then rotated and zoomed in, rotated and zoomed in, rotated and zoomed in... until it showed an overhead image of a colossal matte black spire standing over Lost Haven.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"I trust you know what that is?"[/color] [color=gainsboro]Keelan said to the Rod-Wielder. To his surprise, the response came from both Earth-men simultaneously.[/color] [b]"Y[/b][color=goldenrod]e[/color][b]s[/b][color=goldenrod]."[/color] [color=gainsboro]Both men sighed, feeling the full weight of the Purifier's presence.[/color] [b]"There's no-one else there."[/b] [color=gainsboro]He said gently.[/color] [b]"Is that realtime?"[/b] [color=lawngreen]"Yes."[/color] [color=gainsboro]Keelan lied.[/color] [color=goldenrod][b]"Go."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]The Aquilifer said. His voice full of starch.[/color] [b]"Are you sure?"[/b] [color=gainsboro]The Vigilante was hesitant. There was a play here, and he wasn't sure of exactly what it was. The world was in peril... It was in peril OUT THERE. One man, even a high-ranking officer in war-time couldn't countenance that.[/color] [color=goldenrod][b]"It's fine. I can take him. I've been using this thing since he was in diapers."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]For some reason Keelan's glower widened with curiosity at this comment. The Vigilante picked up on deceit within the comment, but its cause was unclear and ambiguous. The former hero was a bad liar. But it wasn't a statement said without some level of confidence. And time was running out.[/color] [b]"I'll save the world. You stomp his face in."[/b] [color=gainsboro]He growled. The Aquilifer smiled, as the pair of cross-generational heroes were finally on the same page. He turned and with one blast from the Golden Rod bore a hole clear through the side of the ship. A strong breeze rippled Alan's sagging suit, but he didn't feel frail and small within it anymore. In fact he felt better than he had in years. The Vigilante fired a grapple line out to a rooftop far below, and with a short salute left the pair of Rod Wielders to their own fight.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"In-ter-esting..."[/color] [color=gainsboro]The Admiral harmonised.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"You just lied to him. You know as well as I do my people live longer than yours. Even with whatever mysterious solution you have found to stave off death, you know I'm older than you and have been doing this far longer.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"And you lied to him as well. You know as well as I do that that hologram you showed him isn't live. There'd already be other heroes there. At a minimum Icon. Let me guess; Iron Knight? The Earth's Avatar? How many more?"[/color] [color=gainsboro]The Rod Wielders began circling each other menacingly. Alan's breath and heart rate fell as steady as a far younger man's.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Even more interesting. That you knew all that and let him believe otherwise. [b]I'M[/b] an enemy combatant, but you... you're supposed to be a hero to these people. Why would you do that?"[/color] [color=goldenrod]"For the same reason you did."[/color] [color=gainsboro]With a slight effort the Golden Rod began to glow menacingly, as the wind blew through the ship and rippled his costume.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"This right here, isn't their fight. Any of them."[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Good. I'm glad to see we see things the same way."[/color] [color=gainsboro]Keelan lit up his own Rod, and the leer on his face widened. Dark pleasure that he had found an opponent who truly knew the score. The chivalry of the combat.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"In fact, out of respect, if you lose honourably here today... if your Rod joins my number in valour. I'll see to it that your progeny meets a swift end at the conclusion like the rest of the cattle. I won't seek him out before his time, like so many members of royal families' have in incursions past."[/color] [color=gainsboro]Keelan truly meant it as a positive gesture, despite how horrific the threat was implied. And the Aquilifer could tell it was meant to be a courtesy. But the darkness of which only further steeled his resolve.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"I appreciate it."[/color] [color=gainsboro]He lied one final time, through gritted teeth as the Golden Rod's glow grew blindingly bright. He unleashed a blast from the cover of it's brightness and the duel began...[/color] [hr] [color=gainsboro]Dennis walked through an urban wasteland. His heels silent on the bitumen, despite the definite echo. Cityscape greys and black and white. The buildings were vacant, the skies silent and dull, even with infrequent cloud cover.[/color] [color=yellow]"Did they--?"[/color] [color=gainsboro]His voice sounded hollow in this place.[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"No."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]An unexpected reply came.[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"I mean, don't get me wrong. They ARE. I mean, as we speak. But this isn't the now of it all."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]The voice was familiar, and Dennis snapped his head around in search of the source.[/color] [color=yellow]"Sean..?"[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"You shouldn't be here."[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]Sean uttered, appearing in front of his older brother in full bright Aquilifer attire.[/color] [color=yellow]"Where is here? Where are-- Is this death? Am I dead?"[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"No. You're dreaming. You're in a dream you've populated with your dead brother and what you imagine the world will look like when you lose. None of which is helpful in any way. Also, that building over there was levelled. I mean you saw it happen--"[/b][/color] [color=yellow]"Thank you for telling me I can't even dream of how I lose properly..."[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"Oh God! Here it comes, the pity party..."[/b][/color] [color=yellow]"Well, I don't hang around telling you how you should be dead properly... Friggin' Ghost of Christmas Brother's Past!"[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"No. Nobody does. Because being dead sucks. It's silent and lonely, and interminable and it lasts you the rest of your--"[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]Dennis pointed at his brother's apparition.[/color] [color=yellow]"You were going to say life!"[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"Death! I was saying death! And you shouldn't be here! Wasting time talking with what you think your brother would say if he were around you..."[/b][/color] [color=yellow]"Wait-- so are you really my dead brother, or just my brain coming up with an approximation of what it thinks my brother would--"[/color] [color=gainsboro]Frustrated, Sean pushed him over and yelled at him.[/color] [color=darkkhaki][b]"I told you! You shouldn't be here! You're wasting time, dreaming of the worst possible outcome while OUT THERE it's started writing itself! He needs your help! So get up you lazy--!!"[/b][/color] [color=gainsboro]Sean was kicking Dennis, until he woke with a start, rolling off the lounge into a crumpled heap of scratches and bruises on the floor.[/color] [color=yellow]"Whazzabawha--? --Nnnnnnnng!"[/color] [color=gainsboro]He awoke startled, before immediately feeling all of the pain and damage he'd taken, which had caused him to pass out in the first place. He reached up to the coffee table and grabbed the TV remote, turning it on. He slowly started to find his bearings as the television began to warm up.[/color] [color=yellow]"Grampa--?"[/color] [color=gainsboro]He called out into the depths of the house. Where was he? Was he--[/color] [color=yellow]"Grampa?! Grampa are you here--?!"[/color] [color=gainsboro]His query was cut short as the television flickered onto the news and cut from the downtown square to a large ship that looked familiar, which seemed to be getting carved up and destroyed from an epic light show from within. An epic lightshow with a very distinctive shade of light, which was all too familiar to Dennis.[/color] [color=yellow]"Oh you didn't... You crazy old man."[/color] [color=gainsboro]Dennis very gingerly got to his feet and staggered through the house. The Golden Rod was gone. But when the pair of them had a visit from the Vigilante it revealed something, something which forced his grandfather to finally be open and honest about. The creation of the gravity gauntlets which Alan had provided him with. He'd been attempting to reverse-engineer the powers of the Golden Rod, and where possible replicate them. Dennis staggered into his grandfather's bedroom. He opened up a drawer, and reached up from underneath and removed the sliding panel of the false bottom. His grandfather's unmentionables fell to the floor, and so too did an iron bar about a foot in length. The Gravity Rod. It couldn't fire blasts. There would be no shielding. No constructs. No light. But he could soar once more.[/color] [hr] [color=gainsboro]Still he gazed onwards at the monitors. As if in hope for the ultimate answer to everything was just going to flash up before his eyes. But this is seldom the case for the big decision-makers. The suit who swore him into his newfound position of responsibility rturned to the War Room. "General Bracken, you've been cleared for autonomous use of the nuclear codes under the present Invasion circumstances." That was fast. It shouldn't be this fast. It should never be so fast that the full Eastern Seaboard nuclear arsenal should be provided to a man unelected by the people. Unconscionable. It's remarkable how fast the peacetime conscience disintegrates in the face of obliteration in war. He'd sent for nuclear clearance the second that massive ominous black spire had touched down in Downtown Lost Haven. The city was his home. "Prepare missile targeting and hold. The black tower." A younger man at a computer started to enter co-ordinates. "Target lock. Go for launch." "I said 'Hold'!" Gunny barked. "We're going to see what those capes can do, first. I'm not just going to nuke an American city until all options are exhausted. Hold fire!" Once again Gunny tented his fingers and watched the monitors. The heroes were converging on the position. He watched as a familiar man in black swung towards the tower, blissfully unaware the kind of nuclear arsenal was presently locked on to his position, and he started to wish. ...he wished he'd given him a damn sight more than a sack full of flashbang grenades, a little tactical C4 and otherwise non-lethal ordnance.[/color]